Champion pool player destroyed by VAXX poison injections

2 months ago

Her oncology docs were relieved when she told them she had been vaccinated and boosted with more vax poison.


Jeanette Lee "The Black Widow"

June 17, 2022

"I'm so sad to say, after a week with Covid, I'm still testing positive. My symptoms were mainly slow throat, coughing, body aches, and fatigue. Of course I didn't want to get Covid, and when I did, I was terrified because my immune system is compromised with AS and Fibromyalgia and of course, Stage 4 Cancer. But when I called my doctors, they immediately asked if I was vaccinated and did I get the booster. Once I told them yes, they were very relieved and said that I'd be fine then, to rest, drink lots of fluids, and don't worry too much. Just get lots of rest. And that's all I've been doing. I'm wiped out all the time. I'm so so lucky and thankful that my symptoms aren't worse. That I haven't suffered as much as I could have, and I haven't needed to go to the hospital. Ever since I got diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, I've had setbacks after setbacks. So much more than I thought I could bear. And yet, I felt protected by God, for a purpose, no idea what, but I'm thankful and trying to get over all my junk so I can help others. So that I can say, "You see? Everything happens for a reason." I hope everyone stays safe out there. I love you!"


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