Int 944 with Laura Chambers & Chris Williams who gave deputations in Calgary City Council

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Laura Chambers is a retired woman who has lived in Calgary since 1975, and in Ward 9 for the last 19 years. She is not a lawyer. She's not a politician. She's just an every day Calgarian who finally had enough and stood up to speak out! And if enough of us don't stand up and speak out and defend our Canadian Constitution, we will soon be living in a dystopian nightmare! We've been astonished at the response our deputations received from people all across Canada, ON to BC.

Christine was born and raised in Calgary. She loves what this city used to be, and loves living near and playing in the mountains. She worked at the Alberta Children's Hospital for 28 years, and played the primary role in developing their Ketogenic Diet Program for children with epilepsy. Christine's oldest child regressed into autism after initially demonstrating very prodigous achievement of intellectual milestones, and this was happening when 9-11 was orchestrated. These simultaneous events prodded Chris to research both the pharmaceutical influence on autism occurence, and the evidence about 9-11. Both were huge eye-openers to the horrific extent of corruption at high levels, and Chris knew that more corrupt agendas were coming. Chris' research and diligent prayer eventually resulted in healing her child of autism. The cabal is still an issue. During a plant medicine journey in 2019, Chris received the message, "Something big is coming. It will affect the whole world, and you will all be told it's about one thing when it will really be about something much different and much darker." When the news started reporting about covid in Dec. 2020, Chris suspected this was the "something big," and when the toilet paper psy-op happened, Chris was sure. Being unsuccessful in attempts to educate her colleagues about what was really going on, and after being denied a religious objection to the covid injection, Chris went on a stress leave, and filed a grievance with the union. The union stated they would "vigorously defend" religious rights, but, of course, they dismissed the grievance without defending her rights at all. Chris has since been fired, for not returning to the hostile workplace that had been created by some (not all) of her former colleagues, and with a written acknowledgement from Alberta Health Services reassuring her that she had done nothing wrong but was being terminated anyways. Since leaving AHS, Chris has focused her attention on learning how to grow food, studying natural law and Lex Mercatoria, as well as engaging in the political arena so as not to give "tacit consent" to the dark agendas.

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