Cranial Nerve BASICS | The 12 cranial nerves and how to REMEMBER them! | Neurology

2 months ago

#ICUAdvantage #CranialNerves #neuroophthalmology #Neuro
In this lesson I introduce you to the 12 cranial nerves! These are the nerves that originate from various parts of the brain and primarily impact parts of our head and neck, with some notable exceptions.
12 cranial Nerves and functions | Name of Nerves | #neet#medical #facts#medicine#medicalstudent
12 Cranial Nerves Mnemonics #studentnurse #nursingschool #cranialnerve #cranialnerveexam #nclexrn Please share in the comment section what mnemonic you use to remember the cranial herves. 1. Olfactory- sense of smell 2. Optic. Sense of Sight. 5. Oculomotor- Eye movement constriction of pupil) 4. Trochlear Nerve. Eve movement (Up, down, side to side) 5. Trigeminal Nerve. Facial Sensations Chewing muscles. 6. Abducens. Eye movement 7.Facial Nerve. Facial Expressions/Sense of Taste 8. Vestibulocochlear. Hearing/Balance 2 Glossopharyngeal. Taste/Swallowing 10. Vagus. Visceral Organs 11. Accessory Nerve, Neck/shoulder Movement 12. Hypoglossal. Tongue Movement’s Subscribe and like for more nursing videos. #nurse #nursingschool #nursing #studentnurse #nursetok #nclex #nclexrn #nurses #futurenurse #newgradnurse #cranialnervesbasics #easywaytolearncranialnerves #howtoremembercranialnerve #remembercranialnerveseasily #cranialnerve #cranialnerveexam #12cranialnerves #cranialnerves #criticalcarenursing

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