COVID-19 Report Findings: Vaccine Mandates, Natural Immunity, and Rushed FDA Approvals Explained

2 months ago

Engaging conversation on the finding of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and their findings.

What really happened during the COVID-19 pandemic? In this video, we break down the findings of the U.S. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s after-action report. From rushed FDA vaccine approvals to the ignored role of natural immunity, we provide an objective, factual analysis that explains key takeaways from the report without bias.

🔑 Topics Covered:

Vaccine Effectiveness: Why vaccines did not stop transmission as initially promised.

Rushed Approval: How FDA scientists raised concerns about vaccine safety timelines and were ignored.

Vaccine Mandates: How mandates caused harm, eroded trust, and overlooked individual freedoms.

Natural Immunity: Public health officials disregarded immunity from prior infections, despite scientific evidence.

📑 Original Report:

🎥 Watch the Full Video:

🗨️ Share your thoughts: What lessons should we take forward from the pandemic? Are there areas that policymakers overlooked? Drop your insights in the comments!

An excerpt from the cover page signed by Chairman of the subcommittee Brad Wenstrup is as follows, and the original documents can be found here "" :

"Dear Colleague:

It has been my distinct pleasure to lead the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic for the 118th Congress. I was honored to be entrusted with a great responsibility: to investigate a once in 100-year pandemic and to prepare America for next time-and there will be a next time. This is a responsibility I took very seriously, and I believe that seriousness and teamwork has translated to much success.

Five years ago, on December 1, 2019, was what would eventually be the first confined case of COVID-19, After that, a pandemic devastated the world at nearly never before seen proportions, leaving millions dead and millions more concerned about long-term consequences.

COVID-19 was novel, the brightest scientists and medical experts were learning on the
job to determine how to treat both the underlying disease and the second order side effects.
Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee sought to produce a full after-action report to provide a road map of how we, in Congress, the Executive, and the private sector may better prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Throughout this process, the Select Subcommittee sent more than 100 investigative letters, conducted 38 transcribed interviews or depositions, held 25 hearings or meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents from dozens of custodians. This work looks back on many events, comments, guidances, and other actions, to look forward. This is the single most thorough review of the pandemic conducted to date.

Most of you know me. You know I strive to work collegially, with our fellow Americans, to provide results for all of us. That is the same mentality I brought to my work as Chairman of the Select Subcommittee. During a time of intense partisanship, the Select Subcommittee had bipartisan consensus across multiple topics:

1) The possibility that COVID-19 emerged because of a laboratory or research related accident is not a conspiracy theory.

2) EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. and Dr. Peter Daszak should never again receive U.S. taxpayer dollars.

3) Scientific messaging must be clear and concise, backed by evidentiary support, and come from trusted messengers, such as front-line doctors treating patients.

4) Public health officials must work to regain American's trust; Americans want to be educated, not indoctrinated.

5) Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo participated in medical malpractice and publicly covered up the total number of nursing home fatalities in New York..."

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