Human Origin Theory part 3

3 months ago

Today in part 3 of Human Origin Theory we get into some heretical considerations of the Hebrew Scriptures with Jordan Maxwell. This ultimately leads to aliens and how it is likely we were genetically modified by aliens based on a hominid species already on the planet.

Some claim we are around genetic mod number 42, but we still carry the Light because consciousness cannot be destroyed. Essentially, the earth is a farm theory supports the idea we were modified to suit galactic farming demands from a number of alien species, and the earth is simply a habitat to farm humans like one would use a coup to farm chickens or pastureland to farm cows. The earth is simply the required habitat to farm and contain humans over thousands of years. Cataclysms have come and gone many times and the controllers simply start over again. So games like politics, religions, sciences, and 'advanced' technologies...these are simply entertainments to snuff awareness. We must be mentally caged, or what I like to call, menticided, to be controlled. This all is because we carry the Light, and so we must be distracted from realizing the Light with lesser, foolish, silly games to keep us mentally washed and spiritually lobotomized. Once one realizes this deeply enough, they leave the cave of ignorance. That is essentially what the Great Awakening is about -- our awakening from silly games to an awareness never realized. This poses great threat to controllers, as they have done all they can to keep us ignorant of ourselves and the world. For once we awaken we cannot be put back to sleep.

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