Human Origin Theory part 1

3 months ago

Here begins a series on human origin that I recorded about 4 years ago. This series looks at alternate, 'conspiratory' ideas about human origin. The intent of the series is not to ultimately prove any one theory, but to open your perception into new theories beyond what the controllers ever wanted you to consider.

Part of the Great Awakening is each of us coming to terms with what we believe in contrast to what is revealed in our experience. The awareness of people from 3 thousand years ago is far different to what you and I know now in personal experience. Therefore, and like Joseph Campbell explained many times, the mythological function of the society must coincide with current science, technology, and awareness, or it is irrelevant and detrimental to the society. Our society now does not culturally, scientifically, or technologically align in any way shape form to a Semite mythology from 1500 BC, or a Roman ontology from 325AD. Therefore, we must be willing to relinquish our firm grip on philosophy from the past so to avail ourselves to philosophies in the present.

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