Mysterious philanthropist leads supercar rally through radar speed trap

6 years ago

Ghostrider is a mysterious philanthropist who keeps his identity a secret. He is one of the central figures in the North Face Rally, group of very big-hearted supercar owners. They have fun with their beautiful machines and get together for rallies and car shows. There is always a lot of excitement in the crowd when they roll in with their Lamborghinis, Ferraris, a Koenig and a Pagani, among others. But they are known as much for their generosity and their community spirit as they are for their gorgeous whips. They quietly use their cars and notoriety to do a lot of good for deserving people, making dreams come true and granting wishes for those who would not have an experience in cars like these otherwise.

Here, we see the North Face Rally on a recent ride from Toronto to Montreal, part of a three day trip through Canada, Boston and Washington. News of their rides travel fast and of course, local law enforcement is likely to show up and ensure that safety is kept as a high priority. This officer with the Quebec Provincial Police is out working hard on a hot day to make sure traffic keeps running smoothly and safely.

The club drives through at the speed limit without any incident and they none of them received any personal attention. The officer seems to be appreciative of the fine machines as she turns her head while they roll past.

At Montreal, their first destination, the North Face Rally took in the night life and lit up the clubs with their machines and their exuberance. Excitement and adventure follows them everywhere.

Ghostrider regularly posts his adventures and experiences on social media. You can follow him on Instagram (@ghostriderto), Rumble (Ghostriderto), YouTube (ghostriderto), and Twitter (#ghostriderto).

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