471 - 360° Health: Private Insurance Coverage and Recent Events

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Wednesday December 11th | 2 PM PST |

Special Guest
Dr. Matt Mazurek -- Assistant Professor at the Yale School of Medicine and Director of Quality and Safety, St. Raphael’s Campus, Yale New Haven Health.

Points covered
• Healthcare premiums outpacing inflation
• Recent increase in denials and delays in insurance coverage
• Healthcare expenditures in the United States doubling those of other countries with universal health coverage.
• Overhaul to the Medicare program
• Universal affordable health coverage for Americans
Dr. Matt Mazurek is a native of Fresno, California and attended medical school and completely an anesthesiology residency at the University of California, San Francisco. He has extensive leadership experience as a former chair, Chief-of-Staff, and medical director in private practices in both Arizona and Minnesota. Throughout the past decade, he has earned and MBA, MHA, and is a fellow in the American Association for Physician Leadership, American College of Healthcare Executives, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Yale School of Medicine and Director of Quality and Safety, St. Raphael’s Campus, Yale New Haven Health.

Social Media

Live at 2 PM PST | 5 PM EST on YouTube LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/@itsyourliferadio. Also being broadcast on The Answer San Diego FM 96.1 AM 1170, e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Rumble.

▶Want to be included in the Show? Email jamescooley145@gmail.com
▶Speaking engagements: Email jamescooley145@gmail.com


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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