David Lammy Get’s SHREDDED For This INSANE Defence Of Israel!

2 months ago

Right, so David Lammy really is the worst person to lead British foreign policy, or rather be led by the nose by US foreign policy as is more accurate, because in just 5 months he has demonstrated a startling capacity to embarrass us all as a nation. His Israel Lobby funded accepted donations add up to more than £32,000 and it’s money well paid for with the political gymnastics he performs to absolve Israel from any blame for anything at all. His first foreign trip was straight to Israel, where he pressed the flesh of Benjamin Netanyahu, but that was just the start. Claiming not enough people have died in Gaza to constitute a genocide at Israel’s hands appalled the nation. Blocking Nelson Mandela’s grandson from getting a visa to visit the UK was seen as petty vindictiveness after Mandla Mandela called him an apologist for genocide and then there was his blatant endangering of lives in Gaza by claiming there are no journalists there, painting a target on them for Israel who have been killing journalists anyway, they can point to Lammy and say we can’t have done, he said there aren’t any.
The guy is a literal danger, but he might have surpassed now in the most bizarre and unhinged response to a question put to him in the House of Commons regarding the situation in Syria now. He clearly has no idea at all, what is going on.
Right, so that was that not an incredulous and frankly terrifying display of ignorance there by David Lammy? Terrorists taking control of Syria, has apparently been avoided. Newsflash Dave, they’re now in charge! When are you ever going to get a grip on your brief? Politicians lie, we know that, but you do imagine they know the reality behind the scenes and if that is the case that is a stellar level of deceit being put on by Lammy there in what could only then be described as taking the general public yet again for fools, but for those of us who keep appraised on such matters, he looks spectacularly stupid.
A question put to him by SNP MP Brendan O’Hara, who spoke about Syrian refugees settled and living in his constituency of Argyll & Bute are cheered by the fall of the Assad regime and well they might be, who can blame them, it was a 53 year long oppressive regime, they have every right to celebrate. O’Hara went on that the people of Syria can now secure the peaceful future that they want and they should be able to do that of course, but there’s the small matter of who is actually in charge now, O’Hara doesn’t come onto Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, the new power in Syria it seems, though does reference the risk of Syria becoming a battlefield for another nations proxy war, not naming names as such, but he does move on to Israel’s strikes in Syria, not calling it the invasion it absolutely is but passing comment on the airstrikes on Damascus by Israel from day one of Assad’s regime ending and asks Lammy for some explanation, some legal justification for this, since this Labour government are so far up Israel’s proverbials, you can only just see Lammy and Starmer’s feet and so surely there must be one.
Cue one of the most deranged and degenerate responses from David Lammy I think I’ve ever heard. I won’t lie, I swore loudly when he coughed up that response, surely even David Lammy isn’t that stupid, but then I caught myself and remembered the guy will basically do or say anything if it benefits his position at any given moment in time.
His choice of words however honestly do make you wonder if he isn’t just completely stupid or if he honestly believes we all are. So let’s shred it shall we?
There are legitimate safety concerns for Israel in Syria now he said.
Small point, Syria has been at war with Israel since its inception in 1948, there have always been ‘legitimate’ safety concerns from Israel’s perspective where it comes to Syria. Not helping that is the fact that Israel occupy Syrian territory of course, that place called the Golan Heights Dave, held by Israel since 1967, if Israel had such massive, overwhelming safety concerns regarding Syria, they could always have given it back, instead Netanyahu gave a mad speech yesterday say the Golan Heights are going to be Israel’s forever as Israel are progressively moving up the Lebanese Syrian border, having now seized more territory in Syria, amounting to some three times the size of the Gaza Strip, so lets not pretend these are safety concerns, this is an invasion.
Parking that point there, come 1974 a Separation of Forces Agreement was implemented, the longest lasting Israeli agreement with another Arab nation in it’s history, for 50 years it stood, until Syria fell to HTS and then Netanyahu arbitrarily declared it null and void.
If Israel have legitimate security issues now, why is it they are able to seize such large chunks of Syria under their control without HTS firing a single shot at them? It’s because they’re on the same side of course! Israel has been aiding them for years, food, medicine, the areas in the Idlib governate that HTS controlled previously, we’re amongst the best supplied because Israel and Turkey made sure of that. Israel’s legitimate safety concerns in Syria appear to be very much over now their allies are in charge.
But Lammy went on, he gave an example didn’t he? He made the claim that Israel had legitimate safety concerns because Syria under Assad was a country that housed ISIS and Al-Qaeda and Daesh, which is ISIS Dave you muppet, it’s just another name, It’s all Islamic State, surely you must know this? Didn’t appear that he did, did it? But perhaps it was all part of the performance. I wish it were simplistic he said, well it’s simpler than you appear to imagine it to be, but if you fessed up the simplistic truth that’d undermine your nonsense response and pro Israel determinations, so let’s dig that pit of idiocy a bit deeper. We can’t have truck with terrorists if we want an inclusive society that supports everyone he forcefully finished.
For all of your emphatic assertions there Dave, you’re out of your tree. The cluelessness is terrifying. You call out groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda as having persisted in Syria under Assad and that is ostensibly true, but HTS are ISIS, they are Al-Qaeda, it is those terrorist groups that you apparently cannot have truck with, that are now in power in Syria and when you say you cannot have an inclusive society with terrorists, you’re right and we’ve already seen that haven’t we?
We’ve seen the HTS forces flying the black flags of ISIS, we’ve seen horrific graphic video footage of executions being carried out against members of the Syrian army by HTS forces. Ethnic minorities in Syria have also been targeted.
The HTS leader Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani, has referred to his group as the Mujahadeen at his speech at the mosque in Damascus where he arrived to a heroes welcome, but the shine has quickly rubbed off as his forces revert to type, this being a war of faith and the faith of Al-Qaeda as we know is Sharia law, oppression driven by a minority and extremist interpretation of Islam.
Al-Jolani was literally a member of Al-Qaeda and fighting western forces during the Iraq War. He was sent to Syria by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the then leader of Islamic State, remember that is ISIS as well and Daesh, try to remember that Dave, to take over the war there, lead the Al-Nusrah Front, ANF. All the support for the Al-Nusrah Front from Israel, from Turkey, from the US, was support for Al-Qaeda that is who they are and if you’ve no truck with terrorists Dave, you should be damn well calling out this takeover of Syria. You can slam the Assad regime, it was terrible, it was oppressive, it is no bad thing that Assad is gone, but to replace that with Al-Qaeda forming at this point an interim government seeking to hold elections in the New Year, what shape will they take though with terrorists overseeing them is a perfectly valid question, especially when they’re already acting as judge, jury and executioner, very much continuing their terrorist ways in areas such as Latakia most notably somewhere, where Israel is also attacking, but their targets are not HTS, not the terrorists, they are on the same side. Western forces are on the same side as Al-Qaeda. If David Lammy can’t say it, implies the opposite is true, that terrorism has been vanquished instead of put in power, but it is simply not the case and yet again Lammy must called out for dangerous rhetoric borne out of either complete unforgivable ignorance, or equally unforgivable deceit.
David Lammy is making a habit out of this now, and it has to be called out. Bearing in mind the only way we know what is going on in places like Gaza and Syria and Lebanon is because of journalists very much risking their lives, being present to keep on reporting it. I’m sure he’d really rather they weren’t there, but they are and the man’s dangerous comments regarding there being none at all in Gaza endangers them. Get the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch, please do also hit like, share and subscribe to help support the channel, that is very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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