3 months ago

Jesus is coming, be ready!

I mirrored these from Jason A's recent videos. It's a good compilation.
Jason A:

There's been a large spurg of events regarding UAPs, UFO sightings across the The world right now. Over government facilities, household the government employees, government buildings themselves, our just in general over large metropolitan areas and airports. People are seeing strange lights and four to five to six spans of separate instances non-movable sometimes moving and then vanishing in the blink of an eye. We all know what these are these are the chariots of the most high. And most recent events in the new government shift of administration and the presidency that are coming into office. Talk has been told the last election. That they're going to be revealing a large leak of information regarding disclosure of UFO/UAP reports and all the info provided in those.

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Hashtags: #UFO #UFOSightings #WhiteHouseUFO #CapitolHillUFO #MarALagoUFO #AlienInvasion #UFO2024 #UFOCoverUp #GovernmentUFO #AlienSighting #UFOEvidence #UFOConspiracy #UFOInvestigation #UFOVideos #UFOEncounters #UFOmystery #UAP #UAPDisclosure #UFOnews #Extraterrestrial #Aliens #Spacecraft #UFOoverDC #UFOoverFlorida #UFOoverWashington #UFOoverLandmarks #UFOoverMonuments #UFOoverPolitics #UFOTrump #UFOBiden #UFOPolitics #UFONews2024 #UFORecent #UFOsToday #UFOsAmerica #UFOsUS #UFOWitness #UFOPhotography #UFOVideography #UFORadar #UFODrones #UFOsatellites #UFOmilitary #UFOpolice #UFOcivilians #UFOdebunked #UFOexplained #UFOhistory #UFOfamous #UFOsecurity #UFOexperts #UFOresearchers #UFOscientists #UFOofficials #UFOtourists #UFOatNight #UFOdaylight #UFOclearSkies #UFOinClouds #UFOverified #UFOlive #UFOlatest #UFOinsider #UFOsecrets #UFOleaks #UFOdeclassified #UFOsight #UFObuzz #UFOtrend #UFOviral #UFOexclusive #UFOtruth #UFOsolved #UFOmystery #UFOphenomenon #UFOwatch #UFOalert #UFOreport #UFOsightingtoday #UFOsighting2024 #UFOoverGovernment #UFOoverPresidency #UFOoverResidence #UFOoverEstate #UFOoverPolitics.

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