Unanswered Questions with Derrick - The great rapture debate!

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Please join us as we continue the "great rapture debate" that I participated with Shane and Bill Verdell on Shane's channel Blackswanrevelations. I have invited Bill and Shane as well as a couple of my regular guests and I will take your questions as well as debate the validity of the pre-tribulation rapture which I hold firmly to. There will be no time limit on this stream so we will have time for the debate and all of your questions.

If anyone has a comment or question, leave it below and I will be glad to answer it if I can. All comments are welcome even if you disagree with me but please be kind and respectful.

And if anyone is interested in joining the discussion with our Bible study group live on Friday night’s via zoom, this link below should work, as long as I don’t have any technical problems beyond my control. Our study begins at 7pm USA East coast time/6pm Central time every Friday night. Of course if you participate during the live recorded portion you might appear on next week’s video. Or if you don’t want to appear on video we also discuss afterwards for those who are bashful!
Use this link below or see my links section.


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