After Exactly 100 years of Prayer, Patience and Sacrifices

2 months ago

This is the Ummayyad Masjid/Mosque with the Prophecised White Minaret in Dimāshq💎/Damascus, is Where Our Noble Prophet İsā/Jesus the Messiah, Son of Virgin Mary {peace be upon them both} will decend from the Heavens with Two Noble Angels on his right and left carrying him {peace be upon him}... SubhanAllāh! That Event , A Major Sign of The Signs of The Hour could be Very Near! Jesus will be Fighting Alongside Al-Mahdī and Only Jesus will be enabled and permitted by Allāh Almighty to Kill the Anti-Christ {Ad-Dajjāl} wherafter he {peace be upon him} will establish the Sacred Law of Allāh on Earth, Ruling from Baytu'l-Maqdīs - Jerusalem... For now... Enjoy the İmpressively Detailed Beauty of This Masjid and it's yard and surroundings in the Blessed Land of Shām {The Pearl of The Levant} 🥹💚🪻

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