San Diego turning into a "super" sanctuary county

2 months ago

He says Democrats just voted to shield illegal migrants from ICE currently IN JAIL for charges of

- Child abuse
- Kidnapping
- R*pe
- Torture
- Child endangerment
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Possession of an unlawful deadly weapon
- Gang related offenses
- A crime resulting in death or involving personal affliction or great bodily injury
- Possession or use of a firearm and the commission of an offense, torture, r*pe, and kidnapping

“That's the that's the population we're talking about. So under this policy, and if a legal immigrant commits one of these serious crimes, San Diego County would be legally prohibited from directly coordinating with ICE. This effectively protects the offenders from deportation, allowing them to remain in our communities where they could cause that same harm again.”

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