Lead Us Not Into Temptation - A Defense of the Faith

17 days ago

We overcome the beast by the word of our testimony. Debating atheists and enemies of Jesus is often a waste of time but we should be prepared to give a defense of our faith. When we see contradictions in the Bible, we do not run away but find an opportunity to look deeper into what truth is revealed in proper context.

God cannot tempt us to do evil but He may allow the devil to temp us in order to test us. Sometimes he wants us broken down in our pride so that in emptying ourselves in humility and repentance we can be filled with His love, forgiveness, and Spirit. God exalts the downtrodden and humbles the haughty.

There is not contradiction between 2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1. When taken in the proper context we see that it was God's desire to punish Israel. He led David to a place to be tempted and allowed Satan to instigate him.

God does lead us into paths where we are tested. After Christ was baptized He was LED into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan. Christ used the Word of God to resist the devil who then had no choice but to flee.

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