🤯 Devils Tower - The Devil Is In The Details & It Is Biology & I Show It Clearly

2 months ago

I just found this man on YouTube, a 2 yr old video of his popped up in my feed. In the 1st video I watched of his, he was talking about Gnostic texts (weren't included in the Bible) and how Jesus had said that the world is a corpse. The texts he's speaking of are also the same ones or closely related to the Book of Q, which wasn't included in the Bible, either. The website with these texts is at: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html
This may not be the main page but it will at least get you there and the statement Jesus was saying this in is included in what's called the Nag Hammadi. I'm super new to this topic so as always, I could be off about what I'm trying to explain. Spirit showing me the Eye of Ra being in the Bighorn mountains makes more sense after watching this video about Devil's Tower, also in Wyoming and just a couple hours away from me. It's more logical to me that Devil's Tower is the remains of a giant's foot/heel, rather than a tree. I've had dreams of giants and so has my mom, shortly after we moved to Sheridan, WY, where we are now. I believe this man is absolutely onto something. I've seen a few people talk about how mountains look like giants and the pics they presented can't be disregarded as conspiracy in my opinion. Q often said "Think big. Think bigger. Think biggest." and that the big picture of this battle is Biblical and that the truth would put most people in the world in the hospital. All of this connects, I'm certain of it. I'm just getting started into this research but believe Spirit led me to his channel for a reason. My bloodline leads to Mother Mary, that's another connection for me. Please remember that just because I post someone's work, it doesn't mean I agree with them on everything. I don't agree with any human 100% about anything. He talked about Mars and space and I don't believe NASA is really on Mars but that doesn't matter in the bigger picture. I just want to show people I believe this man is absolutely correct about mountains being biology. Nephilim, like in Genesis ch 6. Think about Titans. They've lied to us about everything and we should be working together to find the truth, even if we don't agree or like each other. I hope I'm making sense. I just started looking at Google Earth and am trying to imagine how this all fits together. I'll probably make a video to discuss this more so you know what I'm trying to show, learn and help others imagine. Sending love and light from Wyoming to you all!
SOURCE: Mudfossil University on YouTube. Video link & all info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtMEaHzZ0Ng
Premiered Jun 16, 2024
The thumbnail is Devils Tower......
What do you think created Devils Tower in Wyoming?
Look carefully at the blocks and the wrinkle surface that is peeling from the blocks......WHY is that happening?
....also look at the top edge and see a scruffy section at the top edge which is also a wrinkle zone and I can explain Exactly how this formed. Its all about the DETAILS in the DEVILS TOWER.........
Geologists say it is Magma that turned into these blocks with this wrinkly looking Scale on it but i disagree. And here is why........
Leave a comment what you think please and please share thumb up etc...Big Love.
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