Christian Diggs' Life's Work

2 months ago

I wanted to announce my new Patreon called Christian Diggs' Life's Work. The primary purpose of this Patreon is so that people who want to support me, my ministry, and those who want to have a part in the miracles and breakthroughs that other people are having in every part of life including financial abundance and physical healing be able to partner with my Life's Work.

In return for your monthly support of $100 a month, as a special thank you it is my goal to give you a long list of gifts and benefits (or in other words my life's work). Which include:
- Early Access to Select New Videos
- Life Changing Articles
- Patreon Only Group Zoom Meetings
- Videos Made Specifically For Patreons
- A Forum For Questions and Answers
- First-time Patreons will receive a 1 hour Zoom Credit to Discuss their Life overall and strategies to go to the next level of life using Biblical Principles

It's My Goal to share my Strategy on Wealth Transfer including Foreign Currencies
- Asset Lists and Price Points
- Wealth Transfer Tutorials
- I will also share crypto calls in Patreon that I will not share publicly
- For every paid month Patreon subscribers will get 1 hour of zoom Tech Support or Strategy Discussion good for that month only.

Another goal of mine is to include I.T. Job Search Teaching, Resume Strategy and Tech Job Coaching information
- Interview Prep Techniques
- Tech Job Search Best Practices
- Tech Job Vocabulary Words
- Audio Recordings Of Mock Interview Prep Seminars
- Each month paid you receive one credit for a zoom 1on1 interview prep good for that month only
- After 5 months paid you will receive a one-time credit for a Resume Reconstruction

Additionally, it is my goal to share gig economy strategies and sharing success stories documenting how people are making $100,000 a year working at

Once I publish a new book, Patreon supporters who are active at that time will receive the book at no additional charge.

Credits do not accumulate over time.
One resume per person, per 12 subscriptions paid.
The gifts and benefits for being a Partner are my goals and are subject to change at any time.

Salvation, Healing and Deliverance are free and there will never be a charge for that. However, for those who want to support the things I do to help others including the time it takes to witness to people, teach how Biblical Healing Works to those fighting so-called terminal disease and minister GOD's Deliverance you are greatly appreciated. There are times where I will be working with multiple people fighting terminal conditions at a time and that may look like visiting them in the hospital, hosting private Healing Bible Studies on zoom and fielding phone calls and responding to messages sometimes all day long. Helping people is times consuming and I cant be in two places at one time. I cant be ministering Healing to someone in the hospital as well as working making someone else rich at a job. So I thank you in advance for your support in advance.

For now the support requested is $100 a month so please join up now. After the Wealth Transfer the price will go up to $1,000 USD a month however everyone who is at the $100 a month rate will be able to stay grandfathered into that amount at that point. Now some people will think that $1,000 is a lot to ask. There are coaches and mentorship programs that charge much more than that now. Also remember those that who follow instructions concerning the Wealth Transfer will be multi-millionaires. Also remember that the U.S. Dollar is prophesied to lose approximately 50% of its value but again you can get in a $100 now and not have to worry about the price increase.

The link to Christian Diggs' Life's Work is in the description or go to

Of course, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I am not a doctor and I dont provide medical advice. I simply share solutions to life's problems that are found in the Bible with those who want their problems solved.
Love you all with The GOD Kind of Love in JESUS Mighty Name!

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