dinners with cannibal spirits, which was revealed in John Podesta's emails

30 days ago

The normies are getting prepped for the big news of the deception….”🇬🇧 Jay-Z's involvement in witchcraft!

Jay-Z's ritual with satanic witch Marina Abramovic - who is known for hosting "spiritual cooking" dinners with cannibal spirits, which was revealed in John Podesta's emails leaked by WikiLeaks - is explained by Jaguar Wright.” https://t.me/StoryOfBlackBond/31025

Die Normalos bereiten sich auf die große Neuigkeit der Täuschung vor … „🇬🇧 Jay-Zs Beteiligung an Hexerei!

Jay-Zs Ritual mit der satanischen Hexe Marina Abramovic – die dafür bekannt ist, „spirituelle Kochabende“ mit Kannibalengeistern zu veranstalten, was in den von WikiLeaks geleakten E-Mails von John Podesta enthüllt wurde – wird von Jaguar Wright erklärt.“ https://t.me/StoryOfBlackBond/31025

🚨More than 50 children were raped or subjected to vile sex abuse by paedophile monks on UK holy island, damning report reveals

More than 50 children who visited a remote holy island off the coast of Wales were raped or subjected to vile sex abuse by paedophile monks, a leaked report reveals.

Children as young as three were allegedly groomed and attacked in 'plain sight' on Caldey Island, a picturesque tourist spot off the Pembrokeshire coast. For more than 100 years, the island has been home to Caldey Abbey and a small community of Trappist monks. It receives up to 60,000 visitors a year.

In April, an independent review was launched after several people came forward to report allegations of historic sex abuse, dating back more than 60 years. 

The review found that monks, and men with criminal records who claimed to be monks, were able to join the monastery without checks.


Former BBC World Business Report host, pleads guilty to 20 counts of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, ten of paying for the sexual services of a child under 13, three of making indecent images of children and two of encouraging the commission of offences.

Married ex-Tokyo correspondent, Duncan Bartlett, would ask the children and their parents about their schoolwork as he directed them to carry out sexual acts, a court heard.


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