You Will Have No Place To Run Islam Is The Broom Of Israel Rabbi Rav Touitou

1 day ago

The Rabbi's teach that their GOD (which is assumed to be YHWH) will exact revenge on all Nations for their mistreatment of Jews in the course of History, This revenge will come in the form of Ismael's descendants, Islam, being used by the Jews God as his broom, to annihilate Europe, and Christendom, whom the Jews say are Edom, the reference to Edom means descendants of Esau, whom are called Edomites.

This video reveals the solid foundational beliefs of those who follow the teachings of Talmudic Judaism. The rabbi(s) explained prophecy in the light of present (and past) world events based on their beliefs, and the teachings contained within the Talmud, a 10 book collection of writings that covers the full gamut of Jewish law and tradition, compiled and edited between the third and sixth centuries. Written in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic, it records the teachings and discussions of the great Jewish academies of the Holy Land and Babylonia. With 2,711 densely packed pages and countless commentaries.

Is Talmud the Same as Torah?

The term Torah is often used to describe all of Jewish scholarship, which includes the Talmud. Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses, while Talmud contains rabbinic commentaries, traditions and laws couched in the Torah’s infinite wisdom.

The Rabbi(s) relate their belief of a final World War that will result in Jewish dominance over all non-jews and the emergence of a Great Jewish King who will rule Globally. After the third and last world war, those who survive will demand a leader who will put ORDER in the world, this new King will be an extra-ordinary man, as soon as he speaks, the whole world will listen and recognize that he alone is capable of putting order in this cruel world and putting an end to all these killings! There will be no more separations, no more difficult governments, no different states, just one unified global world, one great state, and ONE KING WILL REIGN SUPREME on the planet.

Quote: “What you are undergoing in France, in Europe, which is so scary, it should be for us the most beautiful news of our Jewish history.”

The video is no longer available at the website linked below, however a lengthy article followed by comments remains.

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