S03E22 "What Else Is In Apart Besides Disconnection?"

7 hours ago

Katie shares a poignant question from The Chorus, which accompanied her through many experiences of distance the last two years: "What else is in apart besides disconnection?" As she began to understand, expanding in our concept of distance will often call the beliefs of consistency (and redundancy) into question. Particularly, in this case, our idea of the need for (continued) proximity in our relationships. Can love be expressed in together as much as in the apart? And if so, what would it be allowing for? As we weave together the seemingly disconnected experiences of our soul across all our lifetimes in the game, there may be times when we utilize the beliefs of "apart" to accomplish these greater connections. Enjoy!

Energetically this episode is connected to:

S01E07 How Humans Learn & Why Positive Thinking Can Be Hard To Do

S01E25 First Impressions, Family, & Catching A Glimpse of What Awaits Us All

S03E19 Ascension Symptoms, Aging, Healing, & Shape Shifting

S03E04 The Human Heart & The Shrinking Distance of Forward Motion

S03E05 The Fabric of the Soul, Trauma, and The Heart's Ability to Find The Way

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