'It's Right Here In Your Testimony!' Josh Hawley Absolutely Loses It On Democrats' Witness

2 months ago

In this video Josh Hawley destroys Aaron Reichlin-Melnick who works for the American Immigration Council. My guess is Aaron is Jewish.

Elijah Reichlin-Melnick - Senator New York State is Jewish and so my money is on Aaron not only being Jewish too, but also being the brother of Elijah.

Jew'ish is not Jew, Jew'ish is Khazarian Ashkenazi or Khazarian Sephardic. Over 90% of the worlds "Jews" are NOT Jews, NOT Semites, but are Khazarian Ashkenazi/Sephardi.

I cannot find Arron on wikipedia but I can find someone called Elijah Reichlin-Melnick who look similar. Elijah's wikipedia shows nothing about him on a personal level but the weblink below shows Elijah is indeed Jewish, and in one photo it certainly looks like Aaron is also in one of the same photos as presumably his brother Elijah.

It's painfully obvious that 2020 was genocide on the back of a push for world communism, Bolshevism 2 or Nazism 2, call it what you want. The Bolsheviks and Nazis were both Zionists and follow the same satanic agenda, the destruction of the United States of America, world domination, Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism (Zionism) and the New World Order, which was a Nazi Zionist project. Zionism is NOT a religion, it is a political ideology linked to satanism, pedophilia, ritual abuse and so on. Zionist Khazars (Ashkenazi or Sephardi) are NOT Semites, Palestinians however are Semites.

The real Jews (not Jewish, but Jews) are the minority due to previous historical events, real Jews who follow the Torah. The REAL Jews who follow the Torah have been lied to and deceived, just as everyone else, and the Freemasons are a big part of it, as they are the foot soldiers of the satanic Jesuits in the Vatican.

Everything going on in the world today is cause by Nazi Zionism, and the Covid-19 genetic bioweapon was the reason why the Zionist run World Health Organisation and World Economic Forum and their Zionist Khazarian controlled Mockingbird Media invented the Covid Virus Hoax, which was a hijacked flu season and radiation sickness from 5G cell towers that gave flu like symptoms and depleted haemoglobin causing low oxygen levels and shortness of breath. The Covid Genocide was one of the methods in which to depopulate the world, which is why the Georgia Guidestone was destroyed in the summer of 2022. FEMA Camps and their alternative names were to imprison dissenters and in Australia they were actually used in 2020. Nazis had concentration camps, neocons had FEMA camps, Bolsheviks had gulags, and Israel had the largest.....Gaza.

Are you waking up yet?



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