Conversation with Alon Mizrahi (“Anti-establishment, pro-humanity, ex-Israeli. Free Palestine”)

3 months ago

Alon and I had an informal conversation yesterday which I think listeners will find very informative.

-His father was born in Palestine, "before the catastrophic, disastrous, establishment of Israel."

-He became disillusioned with Israel, what it stands for, what is Zionism, and what Western culture and colonialism really are and really stand for.

-Zionism has become, "the most hated ideology on the planet, only survives by unending US support. When an ideology embraces an insane agenda, it is going to crumble, its unsustainable. Zionism is unsustainable. Israel is now in a situation where it can't survive without US support. Israel and Zionism are fiercely hated the world over."

-The political opposition to Western colonialism is growing daily.

-More people questioning the story of Israel: "there is a limit to how much you can mass murder children & cover it up with stories that you're only able to tell because you control the media."

-Only hope for Syria lies in the decolonization of the middle east from Western forces.

-"People remember the Iraq war, the assassination of Gaddafi, the chaos that the West unleashed on Africa and on Arab countries over the past generation, what it is doing in Gaza and in Syria. Western colonialism is reaching the end of its days, humanity is woken up to this. It is in a frenzy now, trying to set fire wherever they can, trying to create a huge war."

-"The people in Gaza who are being massacred by Israel, most of them are refugees from Palestine, that Israel pushed into Gaza in 1948. Those people who lived in Gaza were being occupied, murdered, and humiliated by people who just came to Israel 10, 20 years ago from Europe and other places, and took their land, took their homes, and then came after them in the refugee camps in Gaza."

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