Change For Good | Real Talk | Ep 44 | FeelGoodShareGood

3 months ago

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These events aim to share an individual’s inspiring journey overcoming a challenge in their life. Whether the journey is health related or how a business developed, all positive, life changing journeys are discussed on this talk show.

Recorded on August 19, 2024:
Change For Good
Host: Siobhan Shaw

Dionne Washington ~ Co-Founder of "Project Roots"
David Dunworth ~ The Strategic Philanthropist, International Speaker, Author

Special Guest:
Heidi Johnson ~ Founder of "Charity Matters" The Podcast
Instagram: @CharityMatters and @HeidiJohnsonOffical
Twitter: @Charity_Matters
Other: Spotify for Podcast-

Here's what you can expect:
When we buy a self-help book we are usually looking to get rich, lose weight or try deal with a problem or challenge in our life. Why are we not looking to change for good? When our short precious lives come to an end is anyone going to talk about your weight or your bank account at your funeral? No! They are going to talk about how you made people feel, who you helped and how you made the world better. This is what we should all be focusing on. There is no silver bullet for life and all of us get dealt a bad hand or two. What do we do with that pain? How do we use it for purpose?

As someone who took pain from a tragic accident and turned it into a nonprofit, I understand. After using my pain for good, I wanted to find who were the other 1.6 million nonprofit founders in the United States and what was their story? So, I started a blog and podcast thirteen years ago to share these stories and learn from these wise people. Today, I run a nonprofit youth leadership organization that inspires thousands of young students to serve and give each year. I write a monthly column for FORCE Magazine and use my time to inspire others to serve. More than that I continue to believe that people are good and all of us can change for good.

Our Editors:
Christopher Cadiz - -
Mary Jerusha Teraji -
Michelle Weng

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