Rep. Tom Suozzi Promotes Legislation SHIELD Against CCP Act to Address CCP Threat

2 months ago

12/10/2024 Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY): The CCP is intent on promoting authoritarianism by weakening America from within, they use our freedoms, our social media, and our open society to sow chaos and division in our country. To counter the CCP with strength, I rise in support of a Bipartisan bill, SHIELD Against CCP Act. Democrats and Republicans can work together to combat this threat.
#CCP #ccpthreat #Bipartisanship #authoritarianism #homelandsecurity #transnationalrepression
12/10/2024 美国民主党众议员托马斯·苏奥齐:中共意图通过从内部削弱美国来推广专制主义,他们利用我们的自由、社交媒体和开放社会在我们国家制造混乱和分裂。为了有力地对抗中共,我支持一项两党法案《对抗中共法》。民主党和共和党可以携手合作,共同应对中共这一威胁。
#中共 #中共威胁 #两党合作 #专制主义 #国土安全 #跨国镇压

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