How the Medici Shaped the Renaissance | Magnificence Achieved (Lecture 6)

2 months ago

Lecture 6: In the immediate aftermath of the Pazzi conspiracy, Lorenzo the Magnificent earned his special appellation. He proved himself to be a truly magnificent individual. He was faced with an irate pope, the threat of other Italian powers, a reeling Florentine aristocracy, and Florence’s republicans, who sensed that the damaged Lorenzo and his regime might be toppled at long last.

Assess the extraordinary accomplishments and influence of Lorenzo de’ Medici, called Il Magnifico. Observe how, excommunicated by the pope and facing vast political challenges and threats of war, he almost single-handedly held Italy peacefully together, balancing the powers of Venice, Milan, Naples, and Rome, while maintaining his family’s wealth and its grip on Florence.

Lecture 7:

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