Health Canada sneaks into a Budget Bill C-69 Draconian health acts!

3 months ago

Health Canada like the greasy snakes they are snuck into the 2024 Budget Bill (Bill C-69), a list of draconian health measure's designed to protect Health Canada and Big Pharma and not the people of Canada. This is not surprising since Health Canada AKA "Death Canada" is and has been behind allowing a plethora of dangerous drugs, chemicals and toxic food additives for years onto the shelves of Canadians, not too mention allowing the scientifically known dangerous Gene Therapy injections of COVID-19 to be passed through Emergency Use without proper testing and then injected into millions of Canadians under the guise of "Safe and Effective Vaccine". Health Canada does not give two shits about the Health and Safety of Canadians when in actuality they are allowing Genetic Bioweapon's of synthetic mRNA designed to create Turbo Cancers and destroy natural immunity injected into every Child man and Woman in Canada. The Evidence for a Mass Genocide of our population in the West and around the world is Scientifically proven 110% to anyone with a few synapse firing in their brain. Now we are seeing Health Canada go one step further by making them have full Draconian power control over all natural products and go after good Doctors who would hold up their Oath to "Do no Harm" by threatening them with fines and prison for refusing to push Lies and Propaganda to their patients. The Big Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex of Dark Eugenics controls Canada and Health Canada which have sold their Corporate souls to the Satanic Global Cabal many years ago. If you want to read more about this story follow the link below and follow the slimy trail of Health Canada Snakes to parliament where they nest with Justin Castro's and all the other slimy Traitor snakes in our government.
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