(October 2021) Alex Jones predicts a giant war starting in February 2022

1 month ago

I am putting up this video as Alex is the only person I saw predict this months in advance (even though he didn't actually say Russia) but over the decades he does have inside sources which is why I will be posting another video where his high intel sources are now saying NATO wants war with Russia by February 20th 2025.
I normally won't post videos of people & their "INSIDER SOURCES" because they are always WRONG but Alex was right & he later said that late February was the best time for Russia to start an invasion because it is right after the snow melts. Napoleon & Hitler lost in Russia/Soviet Union by not anticipating the horribly cold weather etc....

High-Level Sources Say By February 20th 2025, NATO Wants To Be Officially At War With Russia- Alex Jones

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