Atomic Biscuits - 20241208 - Arrested Landing

1 month ago

When we talked about the now-dead US Senator John McStain, it was always in terms of his over-glorified career as a "top gun" pilot...and if you asked people who crewed with him, if they'd had enough to drink, they would describe a reckless fool who'd just a soon melt your bones with an afterburner than anything...his notorious reputation as a hotshot bound to kill someone was edited into "hero." But the man, along with Lindsey Graham and others developed an internal power squad who set up secret projects and cabals around the world, especially in the Middle East. Photos of McCain and Graham meeting with their allies in tents, assuring aid to those we would label as terrorists, raised few eyebrows...because like all deep state nonsense, the theatre of war requires at least two factions. With superpowers funding both sides, the toys of war get made, and their manufacturers are happy to take money, and the transporters, and the "backers." Meanwhile unwitting taxpayers are fleeced for some dogwagging conflict that doesn't serve them in any way, and grinds countries to dust under jackboots and tank tracks and rockets and liquid fire and mines and poison and...

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