Never tell God no!

2 months ago

I'll admit, there have been times when God calls me to do something and my flesh reacts first, like a little kid being asked to help Mom clean up: "I dOnT wAnNa! TeLL soMebOdY eLsE tO dO iT!" Please tell me I'm not the only one 🫣

But what I've learned is that in my selfishness of wanting to keep my time for myself, I'm missing out on being part of God's amazing work in someone else's life. It's almost as if He's inviting us to see an insider sneak peek and saying, "Will you come over here for a minute, I want to show you something really cool!"

Next time God presents you with an opportunity to get involved in another person's spiritual growth, dare to say yes, and then watch Him bless your socks off!

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