Spiritual Prison Break. Part 4: Emotional Prison's

2 months ago

Emotional Prison Break By Truisck

The Kingdom effects your Consciousness
You have been in or are controlled by a Satanic Kingdom

The Matrix (Hell)

Your Consciousness is then imprisoned by/in:

You have 4 Prisons in Hell, each containing different Cells.
00:00 introduction
4:20 Conscious of Emotions
15:21 Trauma
28:38 Guilt & Shame
44:55 Fear of Rejection/Abandonment
1:01:06 Emotional Numbness, Disassociation (Apathy)
1:23:40 Anger and Resentment
1:39:18 Low Self-Worth or Self-hate
1:52:34 Co-Dependency
2:06:51 Anxiety
2:17:21 Loneliness
2:31:24 Chronic stress or Overwork
2:47:08 Denial or Avoidance
2:58:50 Pride (Hubris or Arrogance)
3:14:24 Attachment to External Validation

All the doors of the Above Cells are open
You have free will & its up to you to do the work...

With Love Truisck

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