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The TRUTH!!!! (SHARE) transcript in description
Tues, Thursday Sunday 7 Alberta 9 Eastern
17:05:39 that contained, we all know now the truth has come out
17:05:44 animal DNA.
17:05:45 and some other bad things that they said were safe to put into your body.
17:05:50 So once we got these all filed.
17:05:52 And that took us about two weeks of meeting with the
17:05:57 Lindsey Court, one of the worships two worships
17:06:01 And as you see, it's a pretty detailed
17:06:05 document. There's 13 charges that we've
17:06:07 laid against them.
17:06:11 And the document is signed.
17:06:15 Right there, if you can see by the worship
17:06:17 Each one of them that certifies it.
17:06:20 that it's in the
17:06:23 process.
17:06:24 So after we got all that done, then we went back and we concentrated on
17:06:30 My deputy chiefs
17:06:33 case steve uh la prince
17:06:35 Because they had charged him initially
17:06:38 with a bunch of phony charges on his property.
17:06:42 Excuse me. So we had headed into court
17:06:45 on those using
17:06:49 The…
17:06:54 municipal Act, book one, book two
17:06:57 It's 559 pages.
17:07:01 that is the law.
17:07:04 that governs the every municipality
17:07:07 in the province of Ontario.
17:07:09 And what we had done is prior
17:07:11 We kept telling, Steve kept telling the bylaw and
17:07:15 And all of them that they had no authority
17:07:17 on his private property.
17:07:20 And they laughed. Well, when we got into court, they weren't laughing.
17:07:24 It was a three-day trial.
17:07:28 We had, during cross-examination, I got to act as a McKenzie friend
17:07:33 So I handled the whole case
17:07:35 did cross-examination.
17:07:37 introduced exhibits, did opening statements closing statements
17:07:42 argument and we will get the decision
17:07:46 from the worship on February the 10th.
17:07:50 I believe that's the date he's set.
17:07:52 The nice part is that in that trial proceedings
17:07:57 we proved upon a shadow of a doubt
17:08:00 that under sections
17:08:03 9, 10, 11.
17:08:05 of the municipal act of the municipal act
17:08:07 that the municipality
17:08:10 All across Ontario.
17:08:12 have no authority
17:08:14 on privately owned property.
17:08:18 Under Section 17
17:08:22 of the municipal act they have no legal authority
17:08:25 to collect taxes.
17:08:28 That was a big one. Then on a big one
17:08:31 Section 129
17:08:34 They have no authority
17:08:37 to enter private property as well.
17:08:41 the only people
17:08:43 Or should we say the only agents that can come on your property
17:08:47 is EMS, if it's an emergency.
17:08:51 And the police, if they are doing a legitimate investigation.
17:08:56 or they are chasing someone.
17:08:58 that has gone onto your property.
17:09:01 Other than that, the municipality
17:09:04 At this time when we got done in court
17:09:07 has no authority on private property.
17:09:09 So we weren't even finished the trial.
17:09:13 And the crown prosecutor
17:09:16 had sent the bylaw officer
17:09:19 back to Steve's property to do a
17:09:22 further check to see whether or not he'd come into compliance and whatnot.
17:09:26 at that meeting, Steve had
17:09:29 stopped her from coming on to the property.
17:09:33 So she turns around about three days later
17:09:36 and serves them with a summons to serve them
17:09:41 on more charges.
17:09:42 obstruction of justice obstruction of justice
17:09:45 stopping a bylaw officer from doing
17:09:49 their job.
17:09:50 So we've already had one court appearance on that one.
17:09:54 And I'm acting as a McKenzie friend.
17:09:57 And I'm back. We're back. Steve and I are back in on
17:10:01 january the 6th
17:10:04 to basically plea not guilty plea guilty
17:10:08 And we're asking it then to be set
17:10:11 for what they call a judicial pretrial
17:10:14 Which then will establish whether they're going to move forward on these ridiculous charges.
17:10:19 It's just continued bullying and harassment.
17:10:22 from the municipality and it's coming down from
17:10:24 She even admitted to it that their direction is coming down from the cao
17:10:30 And from the mayor's office, right?
17:10:32 So they use that as a way to intimidate
17:10:36 bully harass
17:10:38 people that stand up and challenge them publicly.
17:10:42 So we've made a lot of progress and and um
17:10:46 We've managed to
17:10:48 start other chapters.
17:10:51 taxpayer chapters.
17:10:53 in the province. And we've gone with them, helped them at their council
17:10:57 We've got one in Gwillenberry.
17:11:00 We have another one going to be set up in Uxbridge.
17:11:03 Pickering. Our goal is to get them all across the province of Ontario.
17:11:08 that we become the official opposition
17:11:11 to the mayor and council and cao
17:11:14 Because what we found out is
17:11:16 that none of them
17:11:19 know the municipal Act, couldn't care less about it.
17:11:22 and just think that they're all above the law.
17:11:26 and can do anything to us that they choose to do
17:11:29 If you stand up against them.
17:11:31 So it's been an interesting, should we say.
17:11:35 that was i was i got out of jail, I believe it was uh
17:11:40 May, I think it was May 15th
17:11:43 And so from May 15th, we have worked diligently our team
17:11:49 here in City of Corth Lakes.
17:11:52 In order to move everything forward.
17:11:55 And now we're approaching January 1st, which we're really pleased.
17:12:02 Because they haven't bothered me anymore.
17:12:06 We actually, to prove, and this is the kicker
17:12:09 To prove that the municipality has no authority on private property.
17:12:15 we actually put no trespass orders
17:12:19 against the cao the mayor the council the clerk
17:12:23 the bylaw department planning
17:12:26 building, every one of them we name them
17:12:29 And we went to the
17:12:31 one of the police departments here because we live in that
17:12:33 jurisdiction of the Quarth Lakes OPP.
17:12:37 And we first they served him to city
17:12:41 and had it stamped. And then they went to the bylaw department
17:12:45 served a copy of it to them, had it stamped.
17:12:48 Then they went to the OPP.
17:12:50 to prove that they'd been served
17:12:54 And the lieutenant at the OPP
17:12:57 said that we now have
17:13:00 authority that if these people do come on your property
17:13:04 you call us and they will be charged.
17:13:07 So that proves right there, otherwise we couldn't have got it
17:13:11 that the municipality has no authority
17:13:14 on private property.
17:13:16 That's a big one.
17:13:18 And I think, to be honest, this applies
17:13:22 in every municipality
17:13:23 across Canada. And the reason why we say this is why
17:13:28 that in 1960, whether you want to accept it being law or not being lawful.
17:13:33 The prime minister at the time, Diefenbaker, put in place
17:13:37 the Bill of Rights. And in that
17:13:40 Bill of Rights he protected
17:13:42 private property and the owners of the private property.
17:13:46 Along with that in um 19
17:13:49 82 when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms were put in place
17:13:54 that also protected
17:13:56 owners of private property against the government
17:13:59 coming in and interfering in your enjoyment of that property.
17:14:04 So this is why within the municipal Act, we challenged them
17:14:08 in court to show us where they have their authority.
17:14:10 And of course.
17:14:10 Bill, can I ask a question here real quick here?
17:14:13 Yeah, sure.
17:14:14 So for the individuals.
17:14:17 that wondered about the bill of rights
17:14:19 The Bill of Rights was recognized but not passed through parliament.
17:14:24 Now, the other question I have is that the charter of Freedoms was also not passed
17:14:31 Quebec denied it
17:14:34 Or such.
17:14:37 Yeah.
17:14:34 But sorry, though, the Bill of Rights is
17:14:39 within the rest of Canada, but not in Quebec.
17:14:43 Because it's still a separate country. It never signed the Constitution.
17:14:48 Yes.
17:14:47 Which was a farce anyways right
17:14:50 But the Bill of Rights
17:14:53 Yep.
17:14:49 That's right. Okay. No, for clarification for everybody so they can comprehend this
17:14:56 Now, the way I always put it out to people is this.
17:15:00 Mm-hmm.
17:15:00 the corporation
17:15:02 has no lawful agreement to go against anything that's going to harm an individual man or woman right
17:15:07 So anything that's going to harm you
17:15:10 goes against natural law. That's the way i always i always
17:15:15 Yep.
17:15:13 I was pertaining to. So for the viewers of this video to comprehend this yes we've already had these rights. They cannot remove these rights. The maximum law states
17:15:22 Correct.
17:15:24 If the law applies to one, it has to apply to all. That's the way we've really we've really compacted that with our website with constitution conventions and many other people are doing the same thing as we're enlarging our team of
17:15:36 thinkers that want to actually return law and order to the people equally and uh
17:15:41 And the non-binding is the way I put it too, right? So we're going to get back to your story. So I just want to clarify that to the individuals out there because
17:15:49 many people really don't comprehend that these internal rights have always been there.
17:15:55 Yes.
17:15:54 The government can't grant you rights. We already have rights. They're inherited by birth.
17:16:00 not to bring harm to others. Okay, thanks, Bill. I'll let you continue on, sir.
17:16:02 Yep. Yeah, not a problem. And it's like we said, even the government acknowledged
17:16:07 that if you've been born on this land, you are native to this land.
17:16:12 And you have all the rights that Dallas just mentioned.
17:16:17 All we do is because they say that the Bill of Rights was passed, it's law within Canada.
17:16:23 we don't argue that point. We use their laws against
17:16:29 the people in government
17:16:30 And that's the approach we've taken.
17:16:33 Other people have done different approaches.
17:16:36 we just look at it.
17:16:37 we've been successful
17:16:40 in laying private member charges
17:16:43 against Trudeau.
17:16:44 So I want you to really specify what charges have you laid against these individuals
17:16:50 Trudel.
17:16:50 Oh, so I'll just read i'll read them off, right?
17:16:54 Are they criminal?
17:16:55 Are you doing criminals?
17:16:54 They're under the criminal code. Yeah, they're under the criminal code.
17:16:57 Okay, so you're doing criminal charges, okay?
17:16:58 Yes. And it's under…
17:17:01 Yeah, so they're under under the Criminal Code of Canada's code codes
17:17:06 So we did section 211.
17:17:09 comma one and two.
17:17:12 Section 83.23.
17:17:16 In brackets.
17:17:19 We did…
17:17:20 Section 264.
17:17:22 And comma section.
17:17:26 And section two
17:17:28 we laid under section 122 of the criminal code
17:17:34 of Canada.
17:17:39 We laid under section 126.
17:17:43 in commas in commas
17:17:44 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
17:17:47 We laid under section 137 of the criminal code
17:17:52 Charges.
17:17:54 We laid under section 139 in comas
17:17:58 section paragraph three.
17:18:00 Under the criminal in the criminal code.
17:18:03 We laid under section 180
17:18:05 And comma section one of the criminal
17:18:11 Under Section 219.
17:18:13 Section 1 of the criminal code
17:18:16 Section 336 of the criminal code
17:18:20 Under Section 362.
17:18:24 in comma, paragraph one.
17:18:27 As well. And lastly we laid
17:18:30 Under Section 423
17:18:34 In brackets one
17:18:37 D of the Criminal Code of Canada.
17:18:39 And the very last one is under section
17:18:43 465.
17:18:45 In brackets one, in brackets a brackets.
17:18:48 in brackets bin
17:18:52 And C and D.
17:18:53 of the criminal code of Canada.
17:18:55 So all those charges are pending.
17:18:58 Okay, to be laid.
17:19:01 on every member
17:19:04 in the Trudeau government, in the Ford government here in Ontario
17:19:09 And we captured
17:19:12 40 being the CAO, the clerk
17:19:15 the mayor, the deputy mayor
17:19:18 the counselors, every director
17:19:21 within each one of the departments.
17:19:25 their solicitor.
17:19:28 two police officers that obstructed.
17:19:31 When we filed the complaint for a formal investigation.
17:19:35 And another officer in the OPP.
17:19:38 And we still have the right okay this will be the biggest
17:19:44 private prosecution
17:19:46 common information
17:19:49 hearings on cats to ever take place in Canada.
17:19:53 not only to get the prime minister and his
17:19:55 parliament and to get forward
17:19:59 in his government
17:20:01 And really, we can lay them on
17:20:04 everybody that was in the House of Commons, that was in Queens Park.
17:20:08 that was in every municipality within the province of ontario
17:20:14 during the pandemic.
17:20:16 COVID-19 virus.
17:20:19 for they committed treason
17:20:21 against the people
17:20:24 on the citizens of Canada.
17:20:26 by forcing people
17:20:28 to inject that toxic
17:20:31 DNA waste into your body
17:20:34 and telling you it was safe.
17:20:36 We've also got yep
17:20:36 And another question asked
17:20:40 Yep.
17:20:39 is so individuals like uh so we have we have you know all these different provinces alberta saskatchewan manitoba
17:20:46 Yes.
17:20:46 So this key information has been a long process of putting it together for the last two years, three years.
17:20:52 combined by many people come together to bring this information out.
17:20:56 Mm-hmm.
17:20:55 We're coming to the, I'd say that the final frontier of actually
17:21:00 actually, you know, charging these people for what they've done the harm of many
17:21:04 Yes.
17:21:05 the murder, et cetera, et cetera. So each of the provinces
17:21:07 Mm-hmm.
17:21:09 can launch the same lawsuit with the same paperwork, identical paperwork, correct?
17:21:13 Yes, correct.
17:21:14 and then so i'm doing a transcript of this in the video
17:21:17 Yep.
17:21:17 And I'll also have all the documentation
17:21:20 of the transcript of this. And once Bill moves forward, so let's you continue, Bill, and then we're going to talk about the dates, what's coming up for these court trials.
17:21:28 Yep. Yes.
17:21:29 And these are criminal charges, criminal charges that are being
17:21:32 being late. Okay, thanks, Bill.
17:21:34 they'll be late. So what happens is we go through the on-cat
17:21:38 We have over 80 witnesses, expert witnesses
17:21:43 that are prepared to come and testify.
17:21:46 that COVID, the COVID vaccine
17:21:49 was not a vaccine. It was a killer.
17:21:52 And this was all issued and done by
17:21:55 the UN agenda under the agenda
17:21:58 United Nations, under Agenda 21
17:22:01 2030 and 2050 population control
17:22:07 Yep.
17:22:05 So let's stop there for a second. So the viewers of this video can imagine this this was planned out since 1982.
17:22:13 Or 92 under Brian Mulroney.
17:22:15 Yes, Brent.
17:22:15 And he brought this in and then harper
17:22:20 Yep.
17:22:17 who is a committee 300 member. He was the one assigned to UN Agenda 2130.
17:22:23 Correct.
17:22:23 So Harper, the previous conservative
17:22:26 acting as the prime minister of the Corporation of canada
17:22:30 Yep.
17:22:30 He started the ball rolling.
17:22:32 with the previous prime ministers
17:22:35 And now we're sitting here with the new acting Prime Minister Trudeau and he's just
17:22:41 he's just, you know, he's taking the relay
17:22:45 Yeah.
17:22:45 what they've given them to build upon this
17:22:53 Yes. Yes.
17:22:48 These charges have gone against Trudeau are also going to go against Harper, Brian Mulroney, and all the previous prime ministers
17:22:56 For blatantly murdering individuals and trespass against people's
17:23:02 natural born rights, correct?
17:23:05 Okay.
17:23:04 Correct. And not only that, Brian Mulroney, I think was 92.
17:23:08 Or 88, he signed on to the climate
17:23:12 agreement at the United Nations as well.
17:23:15 So it wasn't just they got us on Agenda 21
17:23:20 They also, Brian Mulroney, which is passed now.
17:23:24 I actually signed on.
17:23:26 The climate accord way back then.
17:23:29 And they started bringing in all these
17:23:32 should we say uh rules
17:23:36 and taxes and lies
17:23:39 about climate change
17:23:41 And they've caused an awful lot
17:23:44 Because now, you know, everybody knows you see those chemtrails
17:23:48 Well, they're spreading aluminum oxide
17:23:50 And they use the 5G towers
17:23:53 what happened in Lytton, BC, and all the forest fires there last year, not this year, previous year, they can light you up like hawaii.
17:24:01 They lit up Hawaii. They lit up Linton, BC.
17:24:05 Because how we come about all of this
17:24:08 was dr huff
17:24:11 In BC, in Linton.
17:24:13 was given a job by Bonnie Hutton.
17:24:17 the chief officer medical officer of bc
17:24:21 to do a test on 900 First Nations.
17:24:26 At Lytton, BC.
17:24:29 We managed to get a copy of his letter that he sent to her
17:24:34 demanding the province to stop injecting
17:24:38 this toxic waste into people's bodies.
17:24:41 not just First Nation, everybody.
17:24:44 And this was, we've got that as record in fact
17:24:48 We've asked Dr. Huff
17:24:50 to come and testify.
17:24:52 at our proceedings against Justin Trudeau
17:24:55 And against Doug Ford.
17:24:58 And we have chief medical officer tam
17:25:01 as well caught in this.
17:25:03 And we have the chief.
17:25:03 pause you for a second. I have a question for you again here so
17:25:06 Yeah.
17:25:07 There was a thing called the National Citizens Inquiry that went across the corporation of canada
17:25:12 Yes.
17:25:13 And can you explain to the viewers
17:25:16 What's the difference?
17:25:18 between the project that you're working with your team on
17:25:21 And the project that the National Inquiry did where it failed.
17:25:25 What are the differences? Do you follow me?
17:25:27 Well, I follow you. We have found the truth
17:25:31 they found nothing because their mandate was nothing. It wasn't to
17:25:36 incriminate the Trudeau government
17:25:39 or any of the municipalities or the provincial ministers.
17:25:44 premiers. It was just a scam
17:25:46 and a sham to try to get a sham
17:25:50 fool the Canadian public
17:25:51 that everything that they did during COVID was in their best interest.
17:25:55 When the truth is everything that they did through COVID was to kill
17:26:01 innocent citizens within Canada.
17:26:04 And that was their mandate.
17:26:04 That's what I want. That's what I wanted to bring out there because i want
17:26:08 Yep.
17:26:07 When I did my investigation on the National Inquiry.
17:26:10 And I think it was backed by Preston Manning, who we all understand who Preston Manning works for.
17:26:15 Yeah, we know who Preston is.
17:26:17 He works for the globalists. So these individuals
17:26:19 Yep.
17:26:21 created a stir of a controlled operation
17:26:24 narrative to deceive the people across the corporation that they were doing something where they do nothing.
17:26:30 Correct.
17:26:30 It's very, very sad that all these people
17:26:33 wasted their time and efforts and donations to this national inquiry that's what I call National Inquiry for nothing.
17:26:40 Yep.
17:26:40 And this is what we have. We have controlled opposition reading, making us go down the rabbit hole, which is going to give people
17:26:48 Yep.
17:26:47 nowhere to go. So I want to clarify that with you. Thank you very much, sir. Really appreciate it because I want the viewers to really comprehend the direction that we're heading into now.
17:26:54 Yep. Yep.
17:26:55 we could have this finished in 90 days. Okay, I'll let you continue on with your uh
17:27:02 Yep.
17:27:05 Sure.
17:26:59 So Mason, where we're at, and you're doing a great job. Every so often I want to just jump in and give people a good idea of what how they've been manipulated
17:27:09 Mm-hmm.
17:27:08 to believe in false controlled opposition
17:27:11 to deceive the people. Thanks, Bill.
17:27:13 100%. And they've done this from
17:27:16 The minute that they had the technology
17:27:19 the fake media
17:27:21 There isn't one media outlet
17:27:24 in all of Canada.
17:27:26 that represents the truth to the people.
17:27:29 Because they've all been bought and paid for.
17:27:32 Just the same as in the U.S.
17:27:34 In fact, it's even worse in Canada.
17:27:37 Because they try to smear
17:27:40 anybody in the US that exposes
17:27:43 the actual truth that came out about COVID.
17:27:47 And that it was man-made.
17:27:49 It was made in China.
17:27:51 And it was released from China.
17:27:54 to all the countries that had signed on to the UN agenda
17:27:58 population control
17:28:00 Right. They want to…
17:28:02 And this is being driven.
17:28:04 I believe they say there's around 130
17:28:08 the richest families in the world
17:28:11 This is all, we're just the bugs running around
17:28:16 And at any moment they can decide
17:28:18 to eradicate us, either through the food
17:28:22 through the water that we consume, through the air we breathe.
17:28:25 Through whatever means these evils sick
17:28:29 people through their United Nations and other bunch of unelected sick evil people.
17:28:36 Yesterday we had a meeting was uh was involved with some gentlemen
17:28:43 Yep.
17:28:40 down south here and they're talking about China and Russia, right? And I was trying to explain to them very clearly that China
17:28:46 is a corporation run by the same people
17:28:48 Yes.
17:28:50 Russia or the Soviet Union is a corporation run by the same people.
17:28:54 Yep.
17:28:54 They created these
17:28:57 these corporations that act in their own interest
17:29:00 for the depopulation. So when people hear about these wars going on in Ukraine, et cetera, et cetera.
17:29:05 These wars aren't wars. They're wars against all of us equally.
17:29:09 No.
17:29:10 Yep.
17:29:10 And they're out to exterminate as many people across the entire globe as possible? Or what do you want to call the
17:29:21 Yep.
17:29:16 area of line mass of all these territories okay just want to clarify that with you because a lot of viewers out there are being misled about Russia.
17:29:25 Yeah.
17:29:25 And the Corporation of the United States and the Corporation of china
17:29:28 These all three corporations are working with the other corporations masquerading as countries, but they're not countries, they're corporations, and they're equally
17:29:36 Mm-hmm.
17:29:37 all doing the same plan and they have the same agenda.
17:29:40 Yes.
17:29:44 No.
17:29:40 So when people go, Russia's fighting back. No, they're not fighting back. They're making you think they're fighting it. They're working
17:29:48 Yeah.
17:29:47 hand in hand to eliminate and depopulate the plant. Thanks, Bill.
17:29:51 Yeah, it's all an illusion.
17:29:53 Everything that government has been doing
17:29:56 is an illusion to fool the people
17:29:59 that you can trust them.
17:30:02 You know, we're big brother, we're big sister. We're not going to do any harm to you.
17:30:06 We love you. Why do you think we gave you?
17:30:10 checks all through COVID.
17:30:12 to help you, right?
17:30:15 they put in Canada, they injected 600 billion dollars
17:30:21 of serb money
17:30:23 artificial money that then blew
17:30:26 up the inflation because people had money they wouldn't have had
17:30:32 caused this what we the pain
17:30:34 that we've been going through for the past three, four years.
17:30:37 That was all planned. It's all intentional.
17:30:41 There's people that just sit there.
17:30:43 Every day, that's at the UN.
17:30:45 That's their agenda, to figure out if we do this
17:30:48 How many people do we kill off?
17:30:51 with this approach and not work. Now we'll try another approach
17:30:55 You know, because you got to stop
17:30:57 let your mind think a little bit.
17:31:00 You ask yourself
17:31:02 Where in the heck?
17:31:04 are they borrowing all these trillions and trillions and hundreds of trillions of dollars from
17:31:11 It's an illusion.
17:31:13 It's why they want to move us to digital currency, get rid of cash.
17:31:19 put that chip in your body
17:31:21 So that if you behave bad.
17:31:23 They can turn it off.
17:31:25 We call that the night. You ever watch that show
17:31:29 Right. The walking dead
17:31:31 That's what their intentions are with these
17:31:34 should we say 15 minute cities
17:31:37 with their artificial money that doesn't exist anymore. Money used to be based on gold and silver.
17:31:44 If you and I went to the
17:31:46 Bank of Canada right now and said, open the vault
17:31:50 You would be shocked. There's no gold and silver anywhere
17:31:53 They don't use it. It's all digital.
17:31:57 created currency.
17:31:58 It's like when the government has a crisis.
17:32:00 And they need a hundred million dollars
17:32:03 throwing it they all they just throwing it all
17:32:05 Push the dials, send.
17:32:07 There it is. And people have to wake up and realize
17:32:11 Government is not your friend. It's your bloody enemy.
17:32:15 today. But it's not so much the structure of government it's the people
17:32:19 that are selected because there's no elections anymore. There's selections
17:32:24 within canada to represent these rich
17:32:28 families through the United Nations agenda.
17:32:31 So it's like I said, we get them into court.
17:32:35 And we're going to expose all this and they know it.
17:32:39 They've tried to derail us a little bit
17:32:41 But we just keep pushing back on
17:32:44 and keep pushing that train ahead on them.
17:32:47 So they've asked us to do a further, if you've ever been charged with a traffic ticket or a
17:32:53 violation. You have to put down on this
17:32:56 They committed this, this, this, this.
17:32:59 So we're going to get that all done.
17:33:02 That's why we're having the
17:33:04 sort of an update meeting with the judge.
17:33:08 in February to let them know what stages we're at, whether we're going to be ready to proceed on
17:33:13 In March with the on cats.
17:33:16 And those are individual hearings.
17:33:17 And because we have so many witnesses
17:33:21 And so we got 130 videos
17:33:23 We have people from across the country
17:33:27 supplying us now with us now
17:33:29 their information because they had tried the same thing
17:33:32 And they couldn't get there. But we managed to get in.
17:33:36 So everybody now it's a team effort.
17:33:39 To get all that information to us.
17:33:42 We get it submitted and it has to be concrete information, not hearsay
17:33:48 It's got to be on a video. It's got to be a tape recording.
17:33:51 It's got to be proof that
17:33:54 you can put into court
17:33:56 And it stands like stone.
17:34:00 Because that's how we got all 71 of them certified.
17:34:05 When we brought in all our information, we brought in 146 pounds
17:34:09 of volumes of documents
17:34:12 To show the worship that we're not fooling.
17:34:15 We brought in uh we brought in
17:34:18 sticks that have over 150 videos that we did
17:34:21 and caught them breaking the laws.
17:34:24 And I said one thing to him.
17:34:27 COVID?
17:34:29 Anybody can draw their own conclusion.
17:34:32 We put 40,000 people
17:34:35 from all over this country
17:34:38 and some from the US in Ottawa.
17:34:41 For 28 days, maybe a little longer
17:34:43 That should have been the biggest super spreader
17:34:47 And deaths ever occurred in Canada during COVID.
17:34:52 Because most of those people, as you know, were unvaxxed
17:34:56 I mean, even the homeless people
17:34:59 were in the encampments and mixed all in with everybody.
17:35:02 Did you see any ambulances coming in there? Did you see any headlines?
17:35:07 on the on the media about the media about
17:35:09 outbreak of COVID, that proved right there
17:35:12 And that's why Trudeau did what he did.
17:35:15 He hired a consultant
17:35:17 an assassin firm
17:35:21 in Waterloo.
17:35:22 to come in and manage that whole thing for the liberal government.
17:35:26 to discredit the people
17:35:28 the truckers, the freedom movement
17:35:32 that's all going to come out in court when we get in there.
17:35:35 We have the evidence to prove it.
17:35:37 So all I can say
17:35:39 And I want to be clear.
17:35:42 there is a team.
17:35:44 of dedicated people
17:35:46 And Dallas is one of them.
17:35:49 We have a whole team across this country.
17:35:52 Even in the US, even in other parts, other countries in the world.
17:35:57 that know that the people in their government during covid
17:36:02 killed their citizens.
17:36:04 under population control
17:36:07 instructions and orders
17:36:09 from the unelected people
17:36:12 in the united nations
17:36:13 in New York. That's why trump
17:36:16 has stood up so strong
17:36:19 when they made fun of him and he said i took uh
17:36:22 What was it? It was MCVAC or something
17:36:25 IVAC. It's a drug that…
17:36:27 ivermect. Ivermect. I want to…
17:36:28 Yeah, Ira Maxon.
17:36:29 So I want to stop about ivermect too.
17:36:33 Yeah.
17:36:32 I'm actually going to show you something. Give me one second. I'm going to bring it back to you here. Give me a second.
17:36:35 Sure. Yeah, no problem.
17:36:49 This is an original ivermect
17:36:53 Yep. That's cattle treatment.
17:36:55 The new stuff they got is not ivermect. It's ivermectin.
17:36:58 Mm-hmm.
17:36:59 Mectin.
17:37:00 it's totally different.
17:37:02 Yes.
17:37:03 we've done some studies on this
17:37:05 So this was the original
17:37:07 Yes.
17:37:06 And that's where we're at. Okay, I'll get to continue, sir.
17:37:09 Gotcha. Yep.
17:37:16 No problem. No problem. Everybody, it's like what i've said.
17:37:20 everybody that's been involved in exposing the corruption, the evilness
17:37:27 the lies.
17:37:28 that these people in government have spread using their fake media here in Canada and around the world.
17:37:35 it's coming to an end.
17:37:36 And that's why we said we want and it's not hard. We've offered our assistance.
17:37:43 to any groups
17:37:45 Within any of the other provinces.
17:37:48 within our municipality.
17:37:50 In order to set up what we call
17:37:53 taxpayers
17:37:54 associations or chapters
17:37:57 that become the official opposition
17:38:01 of your municipal government your mayor
17:38:04 and your council your cao
17:38:06 that is takes his instructions
17:38:09 both the mayor and the CAO take their instructions from the United Nations.
17:38:15 they don't swear an allegiance to the people.
17:38:18 They swear it to the United Nations.
17:38:22 And like I said, more and more and more people
17:38:26 that are watching these videos
17:38:28 I mean, we're not conspiracy theories. These are the truth
17:38:33 What we've exposed has been the truth, but they've had a whole army
17:38:38 of assassins out of assassins
17:38:41 to kill every one of us.
17:38:43 to disgrace our discredit our characters
17:38:48 our information. But you know what
17:38:50 it's crossed. We're on the other side now.
17:38:54 that they're scrambling.
17:38:56 Because they know that once this hits the public.
17:39:00 and we get into the courts.
17:39:02 And the truth all comes out
17:39:04 they're going to be hiding.
17:39:07 Because you know yourself during COVID.
17:39:09 you couldn't go anywhere unless you got the jab.
17:39:13 You couldn't go to a wedding
17:39:13 So Bill, for the soil
17:39:16 I want to go through a couple more things with you again real quick here
17:39:18 Sure.
17:39:19 So I'm going to pause you on certain sections and that kind of stuff just so that the viewers
17:39:23 Sure.
17:39:24 of this video comprehend
17:39:29 Yep.
17:39:27 The National Inquiry, they pushed right across the corporation, was designed
17:39:32 to fail, to not prosecute these people
17:39:36 Correct.
17:39:36 for harming and murdering individuals.
17:39:38 Second is what
17:39:42 We're going with criminal charges.
17:39:44 Yes.
17:39:43 Now, a lot of viewers are going to look at the quest like this
17:39:47 are these judges going to work in the best interest of the people to hear this information?
17:39:53 Can you explain to the viewers of this video
17:39:56 What's different this time?
17:39:59 And why we are going to win this battle
17:40:02 and have these people held accountable because other people have tried to do this
17:40:06 Yep.
17:40:06 Using the Bill of Rights, using the charter, et cetera, et cetera, and got nowhere. What is what makes
17:40:12 our team effort on this project different? I mean, I spent hours today with
17:40:19 Yep.
17:40:23 Nope.
17:40:17 lawyers this morning uh just barred lawyers etc etc we're not going to give any names out there because we're going to have these we haven't provided meetings.
17:40:25 Yep.
17:40:28 Do you know?
17:40:25 So what can we explain to our viewers the next step that they can work with us
17:40:30 Yep. Yes.
17:40:30 If they have information
17:40:33 Yes.
17:40:33 that we can work as a combined effort at every single municipality. It doesn't matter if you're in the Yellowhead County, Edmonton.
17:40:40 It doesn't matter if you're in Saskatoon, Regina.
17:40:42 or you're basically
17:40:49 Yep.
17:40:44 I'm on the video here. So all these options, can you explain? I'm going to go back on mute here. And I want people to really comprehend what we're doing differently
17:40:53 And what our teams are working on in the same direction. Thank you, sir.
17:40:58 Yeah. Do you know where the turning point in all this is?
17:41:02 When Judge Mosley
17:41:05 an independent judge did an inquiry
17:41:09 into whether the Trudeau government was justifiable
17:41:14 and implementing the emergency act
17:41:16 and putting in the restrictions
17:41:19 that he put in place across this country through the premiers, through the provincial governments.
17:41:25 And down to the municipalities.
17:41:28 It's that report.
17:41:30 that judgment that identified
17:41:33 that the Trudeau government didn't have just cause
17:41:37 didn't have the legal rights
17:41:40 to impose the kind of
17:41:42 restriction and restriction
17:41:45 pain and isolation
17:41:48 on the canadian
17:41:50 public. And you see that's where we focused. We've actually we've presented the Mosley decision
17:41:57 the ruling to the worships. I have it printed off here. Everybody, that's your, again, that's your second
17:42:05 stage of ammunition.
17:42:06 I mean, here's a judge
17:42:09 respectful judge.
17:42:11 You had the other report come out with his hand-picked puppet
17:42:15 that did the inquiry and he come back and said you were justified
17:42:20 When Justice Mosley conducted it based on the law
17:42:24 the law of this land
17:42:26 Whether you believe it or not.
17:42:28 He come up with the legal position
17:42:31 that trudeau
17:42:33 in this way broke the law
17:42:37 And it gives us the people
17:42:40 to be able to hold that person, his governments. And we're talking not just on
17:42:46 the liberals, we're talking conservatives we're talking the ndp
17:42:50 we're talking the Green Party that all supported
17:42:55 Trudeau and putting in those restrictions
17:42:58 and forcing people to take the jab.
17:43:01 They all did. There was nobody stood up and said.
17:43:03 No, it's not right. And when you go to the provinces.
17:43:07 it was all the parties that supported the standing government to do the same damn thing.
17:43:13 And in every municipality except the very few here in ontario
17:43:18 They enforce the same rules
17:43:20 that trudeau wanted
17:43:22 And the provinces wanted and the un wanted
17:43:25 to kill off innocent people.
17:43:28 using the COVID
17:43:30 man-made virus
17:43:33 and the jab that they knew would kill
17:43:36 a percentage of people. They didn't know how many. They knew it would kill
17:43:39 some from the test they did in Lytton, BC on the first 900 First Nations.
17:43:44 And they also did it on the black population that were held in jail as well in BC.
17:43:50 So they used BC.
17:43:51 I'm going to pause here a sec here so
17:43:53 True.
17:43:53 In the last few weeks here, the last month's been pretty uh entertaining
17:43:58 It has.
17:43:58 So you're aware of Heidegger, what they've done with the elections
17:44:00 Yes. Yes.
17:44:01 Okay, so let's talk about the AFNs. Assembly of First Nations that are representing the globalists
17:44:11 At the band level.
17:44:07 They're not representing their own individuals at the local, you know, the band we'll call the band rights okay the band level
17:44:15 Yep.
17:44:22 Yep.
17:44:14 So those AFNs are not working. They're no different than the municipality for the mayors and CAOs that are working for the corporation, working for their investors to depopulate. And the CAOs and the bands
17:44:26 are also the AFNs are involved in this. Not all of them. There's some probably some bands out there that are really fighting against this but they're not
17:44:33 Hmm.
17:44:34 They're not getting anywhere. I haven't seen any that actually stood up for us yet.
17:44:38 So can we spend a little bit of time on what Heideggery has done now just recently for just for the viewers so
17:44:43 Good.
17:44:44 This will be for the individuals right now that are on these uh
17:44:49 We'll call him…
17:44:52 Yeah, concentration camps.
17:44:51 reserves or concentration camps, what steps they what yeah so what they can do
17:44:56 Could you explain to the viewers
17:44:59 Sure.
17:44:58 what these individuals can do. So we have friends that you know a cliff out there, Cree Nation. We have other great men with asthma and right we have two different asthma groups. One asthma group is a corporation
17:45:07 Mm-hmm.
17:45:08 working against us. We have another asthma group that's just sovereign men and women fighting for
17:45:14 their rights, their individual rights okay can you explain what happened with Heideguy?
17:45:18 Yeah, again, and I'm not 100%
17:45:23 Because I haven't been, I know what's gone on in ontario
17:45:26 Okay, and I can speak to that.
17:45:28 What went on was
17:45:31 The government representatives went to all the reserves
17:45:36 And they promised them if they promised them
17:45:39 gave up the right to their lands
17:45:42 under the UN agenda.
17:45:45 that they would be guaranteed
17:45:48 to stay in their positions. We got into an awful
17:45:51 Should we say a feud, a disagreement with three of the bands around us?
17:45:56 Five, six of them. And they accused us of
17:46:00 being fake indians
17:46:03 when indeed what's going on on the reserves are
17:46:06 that the ones that are in power
17:46:08 are the ones that are getting all that money.
17:46:11 that comes in from the federal government under the Indian Act.
17:46:15 And another thing is a lot of people don't realize
17:46:18 that when you take that when you
17:46:20 the indian uh card under the indian act
17:46:23 You become a ward of the state.
17:46:27 They basically own you as a slave
17:46:29 They can do whatever they want to you. You have no legal rights whatsoever.
17:46:34 And what we said was very clearly what we found in our investigation through Crown Land patents
17:46:40 Here in the province of Ontario, which was Upper and Lower Canada.
17:46:44 that what happened was
17:46:47 King George the third of england
17:46:50 came in and basically either through treaties
17:46:54 or captured and stole
17:46:57 lands that were unsurrendered, unceded
17:47:01 they basically had transferred the power when they did the constitution
17:47:07 from they thought from
17:47:10 the monarch
17:47:12 to the British Parliament.
17:47:14 through to under the B&A Act, British North America Act.
17:47:17 to the Canadian government.
17:47:19 Well, the problem is with it there was no problem
17:47:23 additional transition period that that power would continue to transfer between the heirs
17:47:30 And between the people that then were in government
17:47:33 And the other issue is in Canada.
17:47:36 By law, the people had to vote on that constitutional
17:47:42 And they didn't. It was passed in Parliament.
17:47:45 So therefore, we operate in a de facto
17:47:49 country called Canada.
17:47:51 They have no authority over our lands if we're native to this country.
17:47:57 So every one of the people that are on the reserves right now
17:48:01 Wherever their ancestral territories were.
17:48:05 They own them. And there's been so many land claims. I think there's 14 land claims right now.
17:48:11 sitting at the Supreme Court of Canada.
17:48:13 to be heard in the government it's like a snowball effect
17:48:17 Some of them are getting heard and there's winds
17:48:21 Because what has been proven, and I have crown land patents
17:48:25 what has been proven, anything that is pre-confederation
17:48:30 supersedes.
17:48:32 the federal government, the provincial government, your municipality, and the B&A Act.
17:48:37 Because the fact is they're all dead.
17:48:40 that signed that treaty.
17:48:42 And that treaty had no clause in there
17:48:45 that it lived into puberty.
17:48:47 that it was there forever. So right now
17:48:52 every band
17:48:53 Across Canada.
17:48:55 can legally can legally
17:48:58 put in a land claim.
17:49:00 at the federal government and claim back their ancestral territories
17:49:04 as being First Nations lands.
17:49:07 Now, the issue here is…
17:49:10 You've got to relinquish first
17:49:13 your card. So you got to give up the card under the Indian Act.
17:49:19 That way you give up and you get your sovereignty back.
17:49:22 You lose your money. Who cares?
17:49:26 The issue here is
17:49:28 they have to negotiate with you then.
17:49:30 on compensation.
17:49:31 Because they didn't have any legal authority to do anything
17:49:36 on those lands that's build highways.
17:49:39 build infrastructure, build anything
17:49:41 Because legally under international law.
17:49:45 the land in Upper Canada.
17:49:48 Not Quebec. It's a totally separate country.
17:49:52 It's still under France's rule.
17:49:54 That's why they won't sign the Constitution.
17:49:57 But the rest of canada
17:49:59 You're familiar with the Clearfield document
17:50:02 that takes in Manitoba.
17:50:04 Saskatchewan, Alberta.
17:50:07 that is in theory is in theory
17:50:10 still members of the state.
17:50:13 it's still sovereign lands.
17:50:16 BC is sovereign land.
17:50:19 Down east, when you get into the Maritimes.
17:50:22 is all sovereign lands
17:50:24 Because First Nations people
17:50:27 have been on this land
17:50:30 we know for 500,000.
17:50:33 In my area, I can prove that they've been here over
17:50:36 300,000 years from the artifacts that we've found
17:50:41 And the history that we found in our
17:50:44 our investigation.
17:50:46 I would say that if you have a cao
17:50:51 that's been recently appointed
17:50:53 within your band council
17:50:55 Fire them. Get them the hell out of there.
17:50:59 If you've got a chief
17:51:01 that's following the mandate of the United Nations.
17:51:05 agenda 2030 on drip
17:51:09 Fire them, arrest them.
17:51:11 put them in jail, charge them.
17:51:14 Because they are selling you out.
17:51:16 as First Nations people.
17:51:18 They're no different than my municipality of white
17:51:23 Anglo-Saxons or any place across this country that sits in municipal government
17:51:30 They're all UN appointed
17:51:35 acting agents.
17:51:36 to follow out agenda
17:51:38 that the United Nations has laid out
17:51:41 Under population control.
17:51:42 That's why they want to kill off as many
17:51:46 First Nations people
17:51:48 Because if we're gone.
17:51:50 then the UN has the right then
17:51:53 to claim canada
17:51:55 as another state or another state
17:51:57 I don't know what you want to call it.
17:52:00 another identity or another asset
17:52:04 held by the UN, United Nations.
17:52:07 But really, really.
17:52:09 taken by the richest families in the world.
17:52:12 They can't get enough.
17:52:14 And this is what you got to look at.
17:52:16 Okay, look at the big picture.
17:52:19 You look at the richest families in the world control everything
17:52:23 In their view, they own this planet.
17:52:26 And the biggest pain in the asses
17:52:29 are us natives.
17:52:31 If you've been born on this land.
17:52:33 This is your land. It's not their land.
17:52:36 And this is what we're going to prove to them in court.
17:52:40 Right. That First Nations people
17:52:43 people that are native to this land, born to this land
17:52:46 have built this country. We the people own
17:52:51 Canada, not the people that sit in government that are appointed
17:52:56 to destroy and kill us.
17:52:58 one by one and kill our families off.
17:53:01 and say that they're protecting us.
17:53:03 It's all hooey.
17:53:05 But anyways, it's like we said uh
17:53:08 We have a really, really, really
17:53:11 strong network now.
17:53:13 of people that are getting out the message.
17:53:15 So Bill, when you mentioned the thing called canada
17:53:19 Yes.
17:53:19 And a lot of
17:53:20 you know the true north and free old canada etc etc
17:53:24 Yep.
17:53:29 Yes.
17:53:25 to most people living in this area landmass known as Canada really don't comprehend what Canada really is. It's a corporation.
17:53:32 It's a union of corporations.
17:53:33 Yeah, that's right.
17:53:37 No.
17:53:34 It's not a country. It's a union of corporations
17:53:39 Yes.
17:53:38 so like the united states all the republics the same thing
17:53:43 Yeah.
17:53:41 Same thing. And in the United States, they still have, they call the commonwealth.
17:53:46 So that are the countries that are still under British control.
17:53:50 Pennsylvania, all the eastern seaboard
17:53:53 Okay, is still under British control.
17:53:56 If you get a ticket
17:53:58 A speeding ticket in those states
17:54:02 you're holed up in front of the king
17:54:04 of England. You're not holed up under the attorney general
17:54:10 or whatever they call them in the United States.
17:54:14 In those eastern seaboard states.
17:54:17 you're still under the monarch
17:54:20 control. And the same thing we learned
17:54:24 Under the Constitution.
17:54:27 the only person, if we even want to accept the Constitution as being legal, which we don't.
17:54:33 The only person that can appoint judges
17:54:37 and worships is the governor general in each one of the provinces that signed the Constitution.
17:54:44 And yet, we have the attorney general
17:54:48 And what is that um what is the the not the governor general the uh
17:54:55 Jacksonville.
17:54:55 Preview Council?
17:54:57 No, it's similar in Ontario, but it's not the governor general like the federal
17:55:01 Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor.
17:55:03 Yes, the lieutenant governor
17:55:05 does not have the authority within the province of ontario
17:55:09 to sign or appoint
17:55:13 a judge or a worship to the bench.
17:55:17 In fact, if you look at the Constitution.
17:55:20 and you read the constitution, the Canadian constitution
17:55:24 it gives soul
17:55:27 power to the government.
17:55:30 The people have no power.
17:55:32 The only way that we got power
17:55:35 was like i said in 1960, whether you want to accept it or not was through the Bill of Rights.
17:55:40 And in 1982, through the Charter of Rights.
17:55:44 the courts, even though they're de facto
17:55:48 will recognize those two instruments
17:55:51 as being the people's defense
17:55:53 against the government and government abuse.
17:55:58 So it's again it's it's taken us, we've been two and a half years and I know
17:56:04 Dallas, you've been a lot longer doing your investigation on
17:56:08 the history and the chain of powers and the powers
17:56:11 And we've all arrived at the same position.
17:56:14 that canada that canada
17:56:18 Yep.
17:56:14 Yeah, so the most important, you mentioned something. So, you know, you look at fred rodell.
17:56:20 Yep.
17:56:20 if you guys haven't seen it, woe to all your lawyers. Fred Rodell. We have a video on it. We also have the PDF file if you want to get a hold of us.
17:56:26 We'll send it out to you. But you can download the PDF yourself. Just type in Fred Rodell PDF.
17:56:31 on the internet, he was a lawyer that went, he actually met with Diefenbaker
17:56:36 Yep.
17:56:35 And he met with the Charter Richard Freedoms at that time when they're bringing it in.
17:56:41 And the long story short was the long story short
17:56:45 you are you're guaranteed these rights
17:56:48 But are these rights guaranteed by the corporation? No, they're not.
17:56:50 No, they're not.
17:56:51 Section 1 of the Charter of Acts of Freedom states perfectly
17:56:56 You have privileges.
17:56:58 And people don't understand what privileges mean. Privileges means you have the privilege to drive your vehicle
17:57:05 on the corporation roads
17:57:07 As long as the corporation allows you.
17:57:09 You don't have rights. You have privileges.
17:57:12 Yes.
17:57:12 we have these rights and they are eternal from the day you're born, natural born rights oversee
17:57:19 any fictional
17:57:21 charter bill of rights even though
17:57:23 They put these rights in there.
17:57:25 I believe the Bill of Rights was written
17:57:28 to remove your rights because they give you privileges and the charter is a corporation document that gives you privileges and section one
17:57:35 If you read section one of the Charter Rated Freedoms, it states in the section one that you have no rights. We have the right to remove your rights.
17:57:43 Okay.
17:57:43 And I'm not disagreeing with that.
17:57:46 And if you look at the charter where they changed the corporation to be a common
17:57:52 Under common law, common person.
17:57:56 And they basically compare that common person
17:57:59 to what we would have then.
17:58:02 under common law.
17:58:04 And the fact that we're looking at is
17:58:07 As long as we're making…
17:58:09 substantial progress.
17:58:11 within the court system, the justice system
17:58:14 as to being able to advance this further
17:58:18 and not being it rejected.
17:58:20 then we're going to continue to use
17:58:25 powers that they say they have against them in a court of law.
17:58:30 So again, I mean, we have a lot of things planned for
17:58:35 2025. What we've asked people in this area
17:58:40 is to withhold your
17:58:43 property taxes if you're a private business
17:58:47 I mean, this is the other issue we get into.
17:58:51 They have…
17:58:50 I'm going to pause for a second here.
17:58:53 Yep.
17:58:53 So I want to talk about the clear field doctrine a little bit because some of our viewers may not know what the Clearfield Doctrine is.
17:58:58 Oh, gotcha.
17:58:59 So the Clearfield doctrine
17:59:05 Yep.
17:59:02 states right in. It's one of the biggest lawsuits against the corporation in the United States, which a lot of people say the clearfold doctrine does not work in the corporation of Canada. Yes, it does. You have to imagine this.
17:59:11 It does.
17:59:13 You've got Coca-Cola.
17:59:16 Mm-hmm.
17:59:15 Pepsi, McDonald's, A&W, Husky, Murphy Oil.
17:59:21 Shell Canada, BP, et cetera, et cetera, are all owned by the same corporation that is broken up so it doesn't look like there's a monopoly. There's only one oil company worldwide.
17:59:32 Mm-hmm.
17:59:32 Standard Oil Field is the company.
17:59:33 A lot of people talk about, I think it's called
17:59:38 Yeah.
17:59:36 What do you call black rock and a few other big corporations that control every aspect of our lives.
17:59:41 So the Clearfield doctrine was brought forward
17:59:52 Nope.
17:59:44 So Clearfield docking states straight out, if you're a corporation, you have no authority to govern men or women. Very, very powerful.
17:59:54 And I think more individuals need to really comprehend what this document is and why it was launched.
18:00:00 And when you read the cliff of Doctrine.
18:00:03 It's pretty well straightforward. And a lot of these individuals that are trying to
18:00:09 persuade people to believe that this masquerading government has the authority to kill and murder your children and depopulate the planet.
18:00:16 Mm-hmm.
18:00:17 is worldwide. So these are very important things. And like I said, I talked about the National Inquiry.
18:00:22 Which they went across and it was just a bogus controlled op. Preston Madam was involved into it. And everybody knows who Preston Manning is. He's the one that bring heart. He brought Harper in with the Reform Party, pretending he was going to help everybody.
18:00:34 return freedom and joys and everything. They create this thing called democracy
18:00:39 democracy removes your natural born rights
18:00:42 You're right.
18:00:43 So like I said, I always explain to people what democracy is.
18:00:47 Six of us go to a six
18:00:49 And four order pizza and two order chicken under democracy, you're all going
18:00:57 Mm-hmm.
18:00:55 the pizza. It goes against your natural born right. So democracy is a lie. And I noticed in the last few days here
18:01:01 I see this big front coming on with Tamara Lich and that group of the deadhead gang. I call them the dead end gang because they're making sure you're not going to go anywhere, but you're going to be dead when they're finished with you.
18:01:10 The dead-end gangs pushing democracy.
18:01:12 And I'm watching individuals out there
18:01:15 And they've all banded together. So Wanda, can you yeah wanda's been following that project
18:01:20 And she's been giving quite a bit of information because we're all working on different things. We all can't do the same thing at the same time.
18:01:26 I concentrate on what I feel is a benefit to everybody. And do I get frustrated? I get very frustrated because
18:01:41 Yeah.
18:01:31 I see my loved ones and my best friends and your family and your friends out there too are going through the hardships created by the globalist parasites. I call them parasites. That's what they are. They're sucking the life right out of us.
18:01:42 People are dying. People are losing their land. I spent a lot of my time
18:01:47 you know the last six, seven months, I had to walk away for a little bit because
18:01:51 the anger I get right now in the last six months of all these people I know that were beautiful people have been murdered intentionally and no one is being convicted and no one's
18:02:01 being held accountable and we need to change this as you as an individual out there
18:02:06 Speaking to the viewers watching this video.
18:02:08 You know, some people go, maybe I should cut my hair, clean up and this kind of stuff. Well, you know, I've been at this for a long time. I'm not saying I have all the right answers.
18:02:16 But I know one answer.
18:02:18 We need to come together, combine our strengths
18:02:21 Mm-hmm.
18:02:22 And hold these individuals accountable right at the local level.
18:02:37 Mm-hmm.
18:02:27 It's the mayor, the CAO, and any council member that went along with this mass murder. It's every individual that went along with this. Doctors that went along with this, nurses that went along with this. And there was many courageous doctors that got jumped off. I talked to Hoff.
18:02:41 numerous times.
18:02:43 And he went through hell. I talked to Dr. Negasi. I met with him. We've had meetings
18:02:50 There's lots of great people out there working on solution-based systems, but now we got to get those individuals out there
18:02:58 that are walking in circles, not knowing where to go
18:03:00 We need to make them and comprehend that they can no longer live in fear.
18:03:05 We need to combine our strengths.
18:03:07 We have to go to a bartering system.
18:03:09 And we need to do this.
18:03:14 Yep.
18:03:12 months ago. But now we have a great team effort right across the globalist system called Canada Corporation.
18:03:19 that are looking deep into all this stuff like this. And this is why it's so important now
18:03:23 that you as an individual that are watching this video say share the video
18:03:27 Become active. I don't mean sit there being a couch potato and watch the videos and share the videos.
18:03:33 You're going to have to become a leader in your own community.
18:03:36 will help you become leaders because you all are leaders. You just forgot it.
18:03:40 Yep.
18:03:39 And it's for your own you got to protect yourself and your family and your loved ones. And once you start doing that, combining that, it's going to spread farther and farther.
18:03:48 And so that's very important. So the Clearfield doctrine
18:03:53 shows you they have no authority to create laws.
18:03:58 Mm-hmm.
18:03:57 When they say a bylaw
18:04:04 Law.
18:03:58 They're not saying law. It says by law because they cannot pass a law. They confuse you. So I got that part up there a little bit and people want to look at that.
18:04:10 Now, we're going to talk about trespass and trespassing.
18:04:15 Mm-hmm.
18:04:14 A little bit. Do you want to discuss that a little bit so the viewers
18:04:18 You're going to put in your words, I'll put it in my words but you know
18:04:21 Thank you.
18:04:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like what we've zeroed on in on
18:04:26 a number of ways that we can
18:04:28 should we say caused the government some pain
18:04:32 like they've caused us.
18:04:34 And show them that we do have we the people
18:04:39 do have the power over them still
18:04:42 if you apply it in the manner that we have gone down this road
18:04:47 And what we're saying now is, and we're asking every individual across Canada
18:04:52 I don't care whether you're liberal, NDP,
18:04:55 whatever conservative
18:04:58 don't pay or file your federal income tax.
18:05:03 for 2024.
18:05:06 hold that money in a separate account.
18:05:09 Do your income tax, but don't file it.
18:05:13 Because we can prove then we can prove
18:05:15 that these individuals
18:05:19 are using digital currency phony money
18:05:23 Okay. To run this country.
18:05:26 And that they're taking the real money
18:05:28 that you and I send them
18:05:31 in way of our income tax payments
18:05:34 and sending that to the United Nations.
18:05:37 in order to continue to kill
18:05:41 people across the world.
18:05:43 And that's why we said
18:05:44 I want to bring up another question here. We talked about Heidegly.
18:05:47 Yeah. Yeah.
18:05:48 So when Heidegoyne.
18:05:50 you have your Assembly of First Nations, which is a corporation acting as a masquerading as the band council.
18:05:57 So what they've done in the last few months here, very, very powerful.
18:06:01 They were having a new election for the band
18:06:04 to masquerade as the government again. And what they've done
18:06:09 they've got organized.
18:06:11 And we're doing the same thing in all the municipalities across the corporation of this thing called Canada.
18:06:16 is that three individuals
18:06:19 as witnesses are going to file claims against the ceo and the acting mayor
18:06:24 Mm-hmm.
18:06:24 And the city clerk, et cetera, et cetera.
18:06:26 three individuals is all you need.
18:06:28 Yep.
18:06:28 for criminal charges. And what we're going to do is
18:06:30 We're going to ask them for their oath. Now, Sheila McFarlane has done great work in that direction.
18:06:37 Mm-hmm.
18:06:36 Now, she will probably work when she
18:06:40 the same direction we're all going to go with. She's going civil.
18:06:43 on a lawsuit, which is similar to what we're doing but we're going to go criminal charges
18:06:47 We want her and her team that are working on that stuff later. A lot of people were worried about after the you know the um
18:06:54 reading of the script to all these people
18:06:56 that we're warring them to step down, step aside or step up to protect the people
18:07:00 Yes.
18:07:01 This is the same direction, but it's the same direction with actually a punch to it. It has a kick now.
18:07:07 So these deputations have done really well. Lady Calgary just did one last week, beautifully done.
18:07:13 The next step now is we go out, we ask for their oath. So they don't have the oath. Then we go after their insurance bond. And if they don't have an insurance bond.
18:07:20 Yep.
18:07:21 Now they will be held liable.
18:07:24 at their own individual.
18:07:26 Mm-hmm.
18:07:26 Very powerful. That's the steps we're going to, and we are going to win with these people
18:07:32 will be prosecuted to the full extent of natural law
18:07:36 Yes.
18:07:36 And that's the route we're going to go. So I want you to really comprehend this when you're watching this video.
18:07:43 A, three people.
18:07:48 do three claims against the mayor.
18:07:50 You get 20 people, 30 people, 50 people, 100 people and a thousand people in each local town.
18:07:57 they're finished and then they're finished
18:08:02 No.
18:07:59 they don't have the insurance bond, they're finished. You want to explain that to people?
18:08:04 In your words, I mean, I think I said it pretty clearly, but each person
18:08:07 You did.
18:08:08 transcript you know each person has a different way of saying it okay
18:08:10 Yeah, yeah. We looked at it as we looked at it
18:08:14 If you charge them in their
18:08:17 private capacity
18:08:19 See, in my case, there's only two of us that have done it here in the province of Ontario.
18:08:24 myself and my deputy chief steve
18:08:27 La Prince?
18:08:29 we're the only two and we've got them now in court.
18:08:34 So one person
18:08:37 one person
18:08:38 can lay these private prosecution common informations.
18:08:44 against the mayor, the CAO, the council, the clerk.
18:08:50 The main players
18:08:52 And that's all you need to get.
18:08:54 And it costs you absolutely nothing.
18:08:58 to file it.
18:09:00 to serve it because you're going to go and you're going to fill it out. We're going to give you the template. That's what we're developing right now.
18:09:07 And so for the viewers for the viewers to know this
18:09:10 Yeah.
18:09:10 Where can they get the template, the PDF files?
18:09:13 They're…
18:09:18 Yes.
18:09:13 Now, the template is going to be PDF, but we want to put them in a Word document so that you can make your changes to your locations.
18:09:19 So do you want to give the viewers the location of the email they can contact
18:09:25 Yes.
18:09:24 Now, I don't have an email address anymore. I've been wiped out because everybody knows what happened on my side of the branch here. The globe just got a little pissed off and wiped out our AWS service and all our stuff.
18:09:33 Yep.
18:09:34 So we do have emails out there.
18:09:37 Yes.
18:09:38 So bills have sent the documentation, the attachments, et cetera, et cetera.
18:09:42 And the other team members are getting these documents.
18:09:47 Yes.
18:09:45 So do you want to give them an email address? Now your redneck one's not working. You know that, right?
18:09:48 Nope, nope, nope. We set up a special email for this.
18:09:53 That's why I want to get out there.
18:09:54 If you're ready, it's called sue them
18:10:00 k l t
18:10:06 And then we have another
18:10:08 a good site called
18:10:10 we the people press
18:10:12 Canada. You can join
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