With Elliot Chodoff, Christopher Burns & Dr. Walid Phares

1 month ago

Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst

Major Elliot Chodoff and I discussed the circumstances that gave rise to the conquest in very short order of Syria by Turkish-backed jihadists. What it will mean most immediately for the people of Syria, for Iran, not least for Israel, and perhaps for us as well.

Christopher Burns, Founding Partner at Prometheus Venture Partners

I spoke with Christopher Burns about his life experience as an expat from the United Kingdom, now living in the United States, contributing significantly to his adopted state of Texas as a venture capital consultant. But we spoke at length about his life experience and what it has taught him about the privilege of living in the United States and why he is what I call a foreign-born American patriot, an inspiration I hope to us all.

Dr. Walid Phares

I spoke with Walid Phares about the imperial republic of Iran and whether its imperial ambitions have been thwarted, either permanently or even temporarily, and what comes next, both with respect to the mullahocracy in Tehran and the various places it has tried to colonize or at least destroy throughout the Middle East.

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