ROMANS # 384, God uses bad people to make good things happen. (12/10/24)

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Read: Acts 21:17-Acts 26 gives the details on what happened.

Acts 22:16 is mistranslated:
Acts 22:16 And now why do you delay? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'

Verse 16 – this is all mixed up in the translation. “And now why tarriest thou?” Whoever translated this forgot that the action of the aorist participle precedes the action of the main verb. The aorist active participle is “calling on the name of the Lord,” and the word is epikalew [kalew = to call; epi = upon], a synonym for believing in Christ, as per Romans 10:13. This has to do with being saved, and Paul has already done this; he was already saved: “brother Saul.” Obviously calling upon the name of the Lord has to come first. But there is another point of syntax: the action of the aorist participle is also coterminous with the action of the main verb. The main verb here is “wash away sins.” When Paul called upon the name of the Lord (aorist parti-ciple), at that moment his sins were washed away. Sins are washed away by faith in Christ. Paul on the Damas-cus road fulfilled the aorist active participle. He called upon the name of the Lord and that is when he was saved.

Correct Translation: “Having called upon the name of the Lord, and your sins washed away, why are you hanging around here? Get up and be baptized.”

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