🚨 World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West The World Economic Forum has reportedly instructed world governments to dismantle age of consent laws

2 months ago

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🚨 World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West

The World Economic Forum has reportedly instructed world governments to dismantle age of consent laws while introducing something even more sinister: "Age of Death" laws.

Under this new system, individuals will no longer have the right to live beyond a government-mandated age - let’s say 70 years old, for example - without first obtaining state approval. If you’re deemed unworthy by a death panel, it’s straight to the “suicide pod” for you.

This is not science fiction. This is the reality being planned behind closed doors. Stay tuned as we uncover the dark implications of this global agenda and what it means for your future.

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