Kumihimo - Takadai Braiding Stream - 193 Uncivil Law edition

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Here is the link for Uncivil Law's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UncivilLaw

I have changed my streaming area a bit. Let me know if you like it. And again, I've figured out how to get Locals chat at torin3.locals.com to work for my announcement posts there. I'm going to try to make sure to read those as they come in as well.

There are 3 books/2 programs to teach how to braid and how to design pickup braids.

First book is Makiko Tada's "Comprehensive Treatise of Braids V - Taka-Dai Braids III" Which is out of print.

Second book, is Rodrick Owen's "Making Kumihimo - Japanese Interlaced Braids."

This book can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Kumihimo-Japanese-Interlaced-Braids/dp/1861083122

And here https://www.alibris.com/search/books/isbn/9781861083128

Third book/first program is Clarie Cassan's "Kumihimo: Nimai Kôrai Gumi, A step-by-step guide to mastering pick-up braids on the Taka-dai" and the associated program you get to use when you buy the book. I like this program the best as it has a step by step playback of the pattern so you can easily braid along with it.

You can find it here: http://www.artisanart.biz/Store/index.html

The second program is Takadraft, which is can be purchased at Braidershand. https://braidershand.com/cd-takadraft-2-0-digital-download.

Additional braiding resources:
Facebook Kumihimo Braiders International group

Facebook Kumihimo group

Here is the store I use to buy silk for takadai braids: https://www.kinu.net/iro50.html

You can find me:
Locals https://torin3.locals.com
Twitter at https://twitter.com/Torin1066
Rumble at https://rumble.com/user/torin3
Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/@torin3
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