SG ANON W/Peacemaker Aldo Of VA Beach..The People’s Grand Jury & Justice For Rollin Hill

12 hours ago

Anon Audio Chat 131
SG Sits Down wy Peacemaker
Aldo Dibelardino from VA Beach, USA
Topics: Public Corruption
Remedies and Justice for Living Souls
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 131 is the one-hundredth-thirty-first of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 131, SG sits down w/ VA Beach Patriot Peacemaker Aldo, for a wide ranging discussion on judicial corruption, the homicide of Rolin Hill by VA Beach authorities, and steps Patriots can take to get involved.

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