Beware Harvard! The Philosopher Plumber Cometh!

3 months ago

Ivy League schools have gotten WAY too big for their britches. They think they’re secure atop the education establishment in the US. They’re wrong. There's a new trend in higher education that will replace the intellectually bankrupt Ivy Leagues.
Watch out Harvard—the age of the philosopher plumber is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!  A philosopher/plumber/follower of Jesus can change the world!  Do you doubt me?  Watch and see!
Time Stamp:
00:00 Introduction
00:51 53% college students support censorship
01:40 SAT & ACT tests have been “re-normed”
03:04 Are Harvard and the Ivy League too big to fail?
03:28 Jesus said to be shrewd as snakes
3:55 Should we teach critical thinking or critical theory?
04:10 Hillsdale and Patrick Henry
04:37 Innovative approaches to higher education
05:48 Fascinating new trend
06:05 Age of the Philosopher/Plumber
07:24 Talk with college students about this at Christmas
GOD, Who Are You Anyway? by Bill Bright, with Brad Bright

#faith #worldview

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