Stalker #4 - Driver Caught on camera being an idiot | Gang Stalking UK (2020)

2 months ago

Oct 8, 2020. So when it comes to stalking/gangstalking, what is a 'bad actor'? It's someone (or some people) who act out a false situation or scenario - often for 'gaslighting' reasons. Stalkers will often do this to try a get a reaction out of you. In this instance, I just kept calm, carried on filling out my paperwork and eating my sandwiches while watching this moron do his little stunt.

Vehicle drivers pretending that they can't get past me is a common theme.

At the start of gangstalking these bad actors were even more obvious than this. One such comical scene was when someone was dressed as a stereo typical Disney type old woman with a grey wig, long black coat, a black hat and carrying a walking stick. 'She' was starting to walk up a small embankment, hunched and acting as if she had a bad back. Then the actor threw her walking cane into the air, took her hat off and marched up the hill like she was a fit and well soldier......all right in front of my vehicle. Stalkers really are nuts.

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