Are UFO’s Taking Over New Jersey ? ( maybe 🤔? )

3 months ago



But First A Mighty Word From Patriot Roseanne Barr -

DNA Activation The Unveiling
Underground Bases, Celebrity Cloning, Breakaway Civilizations, Zero-Point Field Technology, Soul/Consciousness Transfer, Immortality, Trauma-Based Mind-Control, Genetic Engineering, DNA Activation, Time Travel, Psychology and Consciousness, The Unveiling
The Unveiling: Chapter 2 The Technology of the Awakening

= The Unveiling of the Hidden Knowledge and the Secret Space Program Chapter 1
Chapter 2.5-2.7: The Fallen and Their Technology
Chapter 3: The Unveiling, Ancient Hidden Tech
The following is a basic summary of technology and some events regarding the current situation on Earth. Some is of this is difficultre to chronologically organize in reference to this timeline. The table of contents is irregular however for the depth of information this may assist in allowing one to overview the topics. Some of the formating is skewered as well, this will be taken care of when combined and published.
Table of Contents
Chapter 2: The Awakening
Chapter 2.1: The Machines of All Time and Space

Re-Creating The Kaleidoscope
Sand-Castles of Time
We’re Waiting For Ourselves
The Goal of Two Societies
Our Forgotten Other Half
All Is But An Illusion
Life Itself Is The Highest Illusion
Chapter 2.2: The “Awakening” of 2010
Memory Suppression
Life and Consciousness
The True Human Potential
The Light-Body
Technology of the Awakening
Mental Manipulation Technology: Touchless Neural-Interface and Enhanced Awareness
Time Dilation and Temporal Recurrence
Crystal Technology
Time Crystals
Quantum Tunneling Diodes
Tachyon Fields
Upgraded Chronovisor
Time Tunnels
The “Trip” Chair
Kozyrev Mirror
Universal Recurrence
Remote Viewing, Temporal Lensing
Temporally Linked
Natural Vortex Energy Locations and Geography
Mount B.
Particle Accelerator Temporal Manipulation
Riding the “Timewave”
Dematerialization and Rematerialization
“Jump Rooms
Ion Shields
Instantaneous Healing
“Living Light” Sound-Harmonics and Electromagnetic Healing
Electrogravitic Craft
Energy Cores and Storage Capacity
3.5D Replicators
3.5D Sensors
3.5D Printing of Clones
Neural-interlace/4D Connectome Recording and Simulation
EEG Heterodyning
Artificial Hallucinations
Brain to Machine Interface Holographic Consciousness System (brainchip interface, virtual reality simulator)
Utilizing The Temporal Body
Manipulation Through the Temporal
Astral or Light Body
Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies.
The Upgraded Chronovisor
Community Servers/Living Server Systems
Cloning, Cloud Supercomputing and Consciousness Transfer
Cloning, Supercomputer Assisted Holographic Consciousness Replication and Time Travel
Cloning as Offspring
Inserted Memories, Digital Dreams
Co-Inhabitation of Bodies
Clever Replication a Digital Mirror
Necromancy and Soul Stealing
Ancient Technology, Non-Human Entities
Created Beings
Black Goo – AI Nanites Vampiric Hive Mind
Recreating or Replicating the Universe
Ancient Spiritual Technology
The Unveiling, Underground Bases, Increasing Awareness
Learning about the Unveiling
Giant “god-men”
Breakaway Civilizations
Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Technology
The True Elite
The Definition of Human
Souled and Non Souled Beings
There was once a Unified Planetary Consciousness…
Power and Knowledge
The (watch)Keepers of Earth
Energy Vampires
Spiritual Technology
Simulations and Learning
Ascension – Clearing Trauma
Trauma-Clearing, DNA Unlocking Technology
Everyone Who Seeks Harmony and Healing Can Be Healed
Layers of Programming and Decision Making Roles

Sub-Level Programming
Dissolution of Programming
Advanced Technology, Deprogramming The Mind, and “Space/Time”
Dreams, Technology and Inner-Space Travels
Awareness Feedback Device
Oneness, Higher Being, Completion, Eternity
The Holographic Reality
Veiled Awareness, Hidden Knowledge, Eternal Time, Layers of Programming and Control
The Great Catastrophes
I was brought into the Time Program
The Effects of Temporal Manipulation
Temporal Influence
Simultaneous Interaction and Incorporation
Quantum Holography
Time Paradox
Breakaway Civilization
Underground Cities
Technological Advancement
World-Wide Control Systems
Solar Warden
Team Light and Team Dark Non-Interference Agreement
All Contact Must Be Initiated On an Individual Basis
A Singularity of Change and Awareness
Advanced Technology and Ancient Knowledge
Cloning, Atmospheric Civilizations, Genetic Stability
Training, Simulations and Learning
Cloning and Cerebrally Enhanced Soldiers – MILABS
Psychological Testing
Hallucinatory Holographic Mind Probing Technology
Virtual Simulator Training Scenarios
Combat Simulators
Programming and Resistance to Psychological Trauma
Accelerated Mental Functioning
Technology, Accelerated Learning and Repair
On Orgone Energy
Energy Generators and Serums
Genetic and Cybernetic Enhancements
Developing The Self
Multiple Factions of Space-Fleets, Multiple Goals
Large-Scale Catastrophes or Series of Meltdowns
Earth Changes
Mass Consciousness
Wars and Manipulation
Financial Unrest (or reset)
Clones and Synthetics

Spiritual Power and Divine Truth
Synthetic DNA, Synthetic Genetics
Time as Mathematics, Series of Equations, a Programmable Storyline
Chapter 2.3 Previewing Solutions
Neutralizing Polarization
Removing Etheric Implants
Clearing Astral Body
Knowing the True Self; Soul Actualization, Unveiling
Taking Responsibility
Returning To Center Emotionally and Mentally (spiritually)
Vampires in the “Awake” Community
Heart Center and Psycho-Spiritual Fulfillment (self-actualization)
Go Within to Observer the Self
Organic Feedback Loop
Technological Feedback Loop
Breaking Soul-Contracts
Help Everyone
Chapter 2.4 How Timelines Collapse
Repeating Cycles of Time
Beings From the Future
Beings From Collapsed Timelines
Beings Who Would Never Have Existed in the First Place

This is the technology that has been used to explore, discover, and control the resources of Earth for thousands. Sometimes to protect, other times to manipulate. Humanity is considered an asset in this battle, no different than gold or water. There is importance in understanding the methods and perspectives of both sides of this situation.
Chapter 2: The Awakening
Chapter 2.1: The Machines of All Time and Space
There are machines that are capable of accessing genetic memory and unveiling what can only be referred to as the experience of awareness or existence in between the physical planes of each time or each physical life experience.

Even if they are simultaneously occurring moments of a transcendental nature, there is still an illusory ‘space’ where there is perceived separation and through this there is a perceived ‘space’ that is in between each existence.
Re-Creating The Kaleidoscope
This space is only perceivable when viewing from the physical perspective, like seeing the spaces between the angles of a kaleidescope only when viewed through the lens and similarly, technology can be used to recreate what this kind of illusory space might look or exist like in between the multi-dimensional realm of the continuous experience stream. Through this, these ‘hypothetical’ in between spaces that are understood as only illusory productions of biological consciousness, can be generated through advanced technology with the capacity of recreating that kaleidoscopic view of which the human biological perspective is only a small fraction or even fractal.
By recreating this biological perspective, they can recreate the illusory spaces in between planes and through this they can literally access and experience what are stored in the DNA as the experiences of existence beyond the physical limitations of consciousness and into a multidimensional experience of time and space.
All becomes a never ending sea of consciousness, however this is the given. The trick is to take from this sea of consciousness and slice it down into conceivable chunks from which you can reintegrate a previous personality or identity and continue on a stream of consciousness that would otherwise be tossed to the cosmic wind like fractal stardust as the sands on the beach of hyperspace.
Sand-Castles of Time
We are effectively building sand castles out of these sands of time that would otherwise be swept back and forth into and out of the ocean of life and the universe only to momentarily wash up again as the identity which we once knew.

There is technically nothing wrong with either view, because then, the spaces between each million year occurrence of just so happening to wash up again as you, would be imperceivable because they are only there to be seen when you are you again.
We’re Waiting For Ourselves
Yet, if there were some who had attained the awareness of the true nature of reality and were standing there on the beach waiting for the rest of their cosmic family to come to shore again, it could be perceived as waiting the majority of the time for a very small occurrence and then being alone again up until the kaleidoscopic fractal inverts itself to the point where everyone now is standing on the shores of the sands of time rejoicing and meeting with each other.
The Goal of Two Societies
My goal in coming to you people on the surface of what is called “Earth” is to help assist in the process of bringing the two societies together, one who’s been waiting for thousands of millions of years, and the other who has no idea that they’re even late (or very on time).
You see, those are the only two situations where there could be even the possibility of perceiving such an injustice as experiencing the pain of loss or misconstrued identity in this universe. It is as if two families met at the cross-roads at different angles, and while one waited for the other to arrive, they could merely supply themselves with glimpses of the ruins and remnants of the evidence that the other civilization existed at any one time.

This is not how life must be and this is kind of like a cosmic waiting game of hide and go seek our two mirror civilizations have been playing with each other. One who’s highly technologically advanced and the other who is more or less the spiritually advanced of the two.
Both of them have a unique view of the universe and they are both only complementary to each other as a whole. The more they sat around and waited for one another, with one leaving the clues that the other would find and even switching roles sometimes in different ways, they became even more and more complimentarily associated as the very essence of experience they seem to be missing more and more is the experience of one another.
So as we perceive these as being great losses or great gains of time and culture we are really only remembering ourselves and coming together as a unified existence that once met upon the surface of Earth as a single family covering the entire harmonic spectrum of the Universe.
And that should be the goal of any progressive, any one pushing a new culture or an old culture, anyone looking to teach the young and protect the knowledge of the old, while also protecting the innocence of the young and perfecting the age-old knowledges that have defined our presence in reality.
Our Forgotten Other Half
One could even say we’ve sometimes gone off the deep end, leaving ‘land-minds’ of sorts to process the information that would be present when we are gone. Of course, what we could’ve found when this occurred, is beyond anything we could’ve ever expected and that is the true nature of the complexity of creation and existence. That everything follows the cycles of creation and destruction, however, the memory of everything that has been created can always be accessed (depending on the beach) and therefore the creative aspect is legitimate, yet it is the destructive aspect that is illegitimate and illusory.

Yes, through advanced technology this can be proven in ways that can be verified and transmitted using advanced technology, since that is how we like to verify things these days. There is, of course, a human looking at the screen, the read out, or the situation from a physical perspective to verify the verifications.
All Is But An Illusion
There is a notion that there is only one civilization, one society, in actuality that has been chasing itself through time. That we cannot actually find the same place and the same time where both meet because we are each other from different perspectives. We can only get a mirror where this is possible, or an ‘hyperdimensional’ internet channel where we can stream one’s consciousness in from the other reality and interact with them through that here in this reality. Thus the two civilizations can achieve the experience of their own civilization and the other civilization by merging with one another but only through a remote contact, just a relay, not an actuality.
The harsher, darker side of this is that any civilizations between then and now that we did happen to meet that proclaimed to be “the one’s” we have been waiting for, and in essence our darker or lighter halves, are actually the impostors who exist entirely apart as a sub-set and have taken a liking to trying to trick the reality out of one of the other civilizations.
Of course, if these are another form of being altogether, and this is all brought about through an interplay of consciousness and deviations from an original core reality, then all will resolve itself when that core reality is alone again. This indicates that all realities will either move closer and closer to the core until they unify, or farther and farther out until they transmogrify beyond recollection.
Life Itself Is The Highest Illusion
That hyperdimensional internet channel that is created out of advanced technology to merge the parallel realities (rather distastefully and maybe disastrously at times) allowing different civilizations to interact with each other, well this has been created using technology.

But then it was discovered that this is the ultimate nature of DNA. That this was ‘invented’ similarly as a higher-dimensional internet so that various natures of different planes and dimensions could interact with each other and experience the richness of life.
The universe becomes more like a living arcade game then, where people come from all over the galaxy to ‘plug in’ to human experience and figure out what it means to be physical, human and on Earth.
This does tie into the larger nature of reality, of star-races, and of time and consciousness that is often reversed according to how things seem to play out in physicality. We are moving through time, but just because we are moving one way, does not mean that others could not be moving the other way.
We have to live our lives with meaning knowing that the message we pass on, the duty we vow to accomplish and ensure is meaningfully connected on either end to the passage of the past and the power of our ancestors to the function and knowledge of the future creating a clear passage between the realms, the generations, and the ends of the universe. This is what literally ties the universe together, and the mind of each individual. This purpose is contrived when not carefully shaped within and so we must help all who seek purpose learn to become the blacksmiths of their own destiny through the temperance of desire or temptation and the discipline of developing strength and maturity where there was once weakness and naivety.
Once we know this is our duty, this is what we seek to achieve and this is what is done, then we can become part of the universe forever. Of course, this may only be temporary in the larger view of things.
Chapter 2.2: The “Awakening” of 2010
In 2010 I was “awakened” at an event involving hundreds of people that play various roles in this society, the secret society and the breakaway civilization. This also took place across times or planes of reality.

During this event I was informed of the situation on Earth beyond the informational barriers that were previously in place to limit knowledge to only what is required for specific operations. I was essentially “informed” of the entire situation as much as the mind could handle this.
As this was occurring, the team that was updating me on the status of Earth was being informed of and given information regarding changes in the future. In short, interviews, posts, and releases that I have since made and will make in the future were touched upon. Quotes were given from the blog and interviews which were jokingly acknowledging verbal mistakes at the pronunciation of names, new perspectives and interpretations and more. As they were informing me, they were creating the future reality where this work takes place. That is the basis of this layer of the operations. They are creating the future person by person, layer by layer.
Memory Suppression
My memory was unsuppressed and all the traumatic memories and experiences were unveiled to me. This was almost as traumatic as the initial experiences themselves although precautionary steps are taken to ensure the safety of the individual. There are teams of highly competent individuals of all kinds with professional backgrounds of every field imaginable.
Throughout my entire life I have had memories of experiences, at this event I was informed what the experiences meant and what was actually happening. I’ve had memories of underground bases, cloning, stargates or interdimensional gateways, advanced technology, non-human or programmed biological entities, sacred knowledge and experiences, the power of the mind, and breakaway civilizations. Most of the time we are conditioned to believe these are past lives or experiences in another reality so as to enable continuity of operation.
Life and Consciousness
From my perspective and the perspective of others, we had reached the ‘future’ and had been sent back through the utilization of advanced technology and cloning to return to this time and inform others of the possibilities.
The True Human Potential
This is so far beyond what anyone can accept or comprehend fully that humans with an emotional, mental and physical aspect balanced as one is literally a cosmic reflection of the entire universe at once. This is the closest thing to a “god” in the flesh. And be sure, the entirety of this rests on the behalf that the man is protective and helpful. That the woman is nurturing and loving. That is the point. “god-man” does not mean a warrior who destroys everyone and anyone in his way getting what he wants. Nor does it mean some lusty and vampiric form of energy or mind control game. “god-man” means the love of the universe, the power of the body and mind, the peace and calm of the ultimate stillness all in one.

This power is in human DNA, originally so. And so this is awakened through walking the middle path of neutrality and ‘splicing’ the timelines down so that neither one nor the other gains the power of the individual. Through this, the individual creates their own power, right on the spot, without having to lean to one extreme or the other. This is like a cosmic, temporal balancing act with emotions and mind. Where we give our energy is created in the universe in the form of many productions and effects. If we are simply thinking in an imbalanced manner then we are producing timelines and side-realities that exist in the etheric realms that we can’t see and these realities will reflect our inner imbalance. So then when we are balanced in our energies we are not creating one or the other side of divinity, we are literally creating the whole universe, cleaving down the middle and producing both sides of divinity or eternity equally and this is the only way to have an eternal production which does not eventually degrade to one extreme or the other. Through balance, we reach eternity and in this way all the power of the universe exists within a person through their ability to balance their emotions and mind and thus unlock the DNA.
The DNA is coded through bio-emissions of mind or emotional body. So we are constantly doing this and we are either producing a DNA code that reflects imbalance overall, or a code that reflects the eternal balance of the universe overall. This is through energy.
One reaches “heaven” or the deity planes or simply self-actualization, through three paths. These paths are through merits or devotion to principles, or through knowledge and expanding one’s mind to face the universe, or through great works and deeds to produce this effect of power, knowledge and emotion unto the world for others. Through these paths we create an impact on the universe and this transfers what we are temporarily and physically into an eternal energetic and physical production within the living universe, forever. To do this requires balance, focus, devotion, and discipline however because there are many distractions along the way.
The Light-Body
You must build your own light body. That is how it works.
Your heart creates a field and projects you.
Rely on yourself and use that for protection.
The power of the Universe will align with you if you align with your self.

Learn as much as you can and break through duality of love/hate, cultivate your knowledge of the self and use it.
What you want is what determines your power in the light-realms. Not how you want it. If you want war, then that is a sign of weakness and determination to produce imbalance and exist by that. If you want peace, that this is a sign of power and unity to produce further unification and exist by that. What you want determines your power, not how you obtain it.

Technology of the Awakening
Mental Manipulation Technology: Touchless Neural-Interface and Enhanced Awareness
I reached what the “Illuminati” called the “awakening”. I feel a better term would be “unlocking” as this event includes the removal of all traumas, perceptual distortions, and memory suppression.
This event was a presentation of very advanced technologies which allow the mind to transcend space and time. It was shown that death is similar to a phase-shift of consciousness as polarity and that the awareness of the being obviously continues. This was verified through advanced sensing devices which can visibly display frequencies which are invisible to the physical senses. This is also something that occurred earlier on as a child in the underground bases by transferring consciousness in and out of the body at will using advanced technology.

With these devices it is possible to see the “auric” or soul field of the individual. Any living body has a field which glows when picked up by these sensing systems. This field becomes more refined when viewing more advanced beings. Human have an extending mental field, and through this a kind of glowing awareness that is picked up. It can be fairly simply compared to thermal imaging except instead of differences in temperature it is the presence of a soul or mental energy field around a living body. The finer energies extend outward away from the physical body.
More than once, the situational requirements were satisfied in order to produce an ideal environment for maneuvering on the non-physical plane. This is the basis of how the temporal operations occur, yet these events were different than previous operations or experiences. The group I was in was going through the process of increasing the vibratory emissions of the “bio-mind” in order to stay focused on the increasing vibratory rate of the environment. Generators were utilized to create an effect on space/time which was perceived on the “soul” level. These events continued into the discovery and explanation of the creation of the “godlike” powers of the advanced sentient technology which was capable of accessing the holographic nature of reality which humans can perceive through their bio-mind/soul. These technologies also enable one to perceive what is referred to as the “galactic history” of Earth and humanity. We are far vaster and Earth is far larger than people are lead to believe.
Spatiotemporal Distortion
Time Dilation and Temporal Recurrence
Time dilation capabilities were shown which allow for accelerated learning of advanced and detailed material within a very short amount of time. This could be seen as a kind of viewing technology which one wears or looks into and vibratory emissions are scalar-linked to the brain which then allows the individual to perceive more information simultaneously. Then there is a very rapid pace of information streamed on a monitor or through a device and this is akin to watching a 20 minute instructional within a few minutes or a few seconds with very advanced minds. The more time is slowed down while information is accelerated, the more stress is applied to the brain. The brain tends to overheat and over stress with high-rates of activity, especially without conditioning. The conditioning is what allows one to utilize their mind and body in these manners. This is not unlike the very rigorous training and conditioning of certain monks or martial artists however there is very advanced technology and other hidden methodologies utilized.
Crystal Technology
These are capable of holding, transmitting, and amplifying consciousness frequencies. There will be a more detailed explanation in a later section.

The crystal technology is used in junction with the power devices to enable a scalar-mind link which allows the interface to be entirely mental or spiritual, IE: they are not controlled by hand but by focus and intention.
Time Crystals
These are utilized as a computer recording chip would be to run a program yet they hold memory in expanded space, IE: they function in a hyperspacial manner and are essentially hyperspacial computers. These are what will be introduced in junction with the quantum supercomputers.
Quantum Tunneling Diodes
This is technology that has recently be released to the public. New technology is developed years ahead of time and then slowly released to the public in a cascade of advancement. This technology deals with superconductive materials which enable the transfer of information at faster-than-light speeds.
The supercondutive material allows for 100% efficiency of data transfer. So what happens then when the efficiency surpasses 100%? This is possible because we are effectively in a simulated holographic environment. The experience is real, however everything is overlayed via particular limitations for the ‘local-environment’ which is like a central data processing limitation. When these parameter are surpassed, one by one, through a coalescence of refinements and methods, the result is akin to a glitch in a computer game system. They have accessed faster-than-light technology and the mind is also capable of this naturally.
With this technology, however, the information can be received a very small amount of time before it is sent. So if a person is absolutely surely going to press the button to send the message, then right before their finger hits the button that message will be received on the other end, as if magic. If they simply play around and pretend to hit the button but very quickly turn away, then of course nothing happens. One can, however, ‘fool’ the universe in other ways and this is simply through the reception and transmission of information across what should be secure information barriers.
Tachyon Fields
These are programmable fields emitted through advanced technology. I was shown how tachyons are the sub-atomic “particles” or energy formation which flows both ways in time. We are receiving tachyons from the “future” in order to layer the flow of time in one direction or the other. Tachyons are the name of the particles/energy packets that we perceive from this perspective as reaching us to initiate the “future”.

Thus, when a stream of tachyons is concentrated and accelerated, this results in an acceleration of the temporal field and we literally experience an acceleration of time. This can be focused and targeted on a specific piece of equipment to change the way information will be sensed and to essentially allow that device to sense ‘ahead’ of the present moment.
The same effect can be produced with the neurological processes of the human as the physical coupling of the brain to the mind can be altered through a concentrated tachyon field to enable the neurological and mental processes to begin to perceive information ‘before’ the brain is actually physically processing the data. Therefore the mind of the individual will be present in the body while the senses and other perceptions will literally be expanding into the future beyond the present moment.
This is highly confusing at first and requires much training and conditioning in order to make sense of enough to operate in any kind of effective manner.
Upgraded Chronovisor
See, “Upgraded Chronovisor”
Time Tunnels
This was developed earlier on and has been the subject of many TV shows in the past and present. The shows are a sure-fire method to get the information to the public without having to force those who are not ready to comprehend. The information is easiest to digest if people think they are watching science fiction.
These are essentially spiraling tunnels of these tachyon fields produced by large electromagnetic field emitters in the shape of a conical tunnel. As a person moves through this field, their temporal acceleration changes and thus their frame of reference within the universe changes. They effectively move their mind through stages of existence or temporal resonance in the universe and this can have devastating effects.
This is an older technique how is still in use and has specific purposes depending on the situation and the information sought.
The “Trip” Chair: Spatiotemporal Reference Dislocation and Neural-interlace Patterning and Programming
The early use of this technology did not use time-tunnels. There was a helmet that was devised which would create a feedback loop of the brain’s activity and funnel this out and then back into the sensory input. This information would be accelerated and redirected to the point that the perception of time would “fold” in on itself until the person would access an expanded temporal perspective of the universe meaning they would mentally temporally dislocate from the initial frame of reference and extend outward further and further in repeating cycles until the same moment was replayed and then all other possible moments in a kind of fractal-like recursive pattern and the very far future would be realized.

Essentially, this technologically produced the class “flashing before the eyes” of the entire life experience that is described in near-death experiences and the entire temporal body would be very quickly unwound before the person’s inner eye.
There would be a complete disconnection with the current frame of reference that the collective Earth environment is processing under. That is, this ‘time’ and ‘space’ would be completely out of perceptual reach and a new time and space would be rendered instead. Until the experience had completed, there would be no way to contact this civilization.
There are other versions and ancient versions, tandem operations, more ‘organic’ methods, and modified travel capacities.
Kozyrev Mirror
This is a piece of metal, usually aluminum in early models which simply bent the bio-emissions of the body and mind into a pattern which would create a vortex. The vortex shape and vortex mathematics enable energy and information to travel in across space and time by ‘short-cutting’ the physical plane.
The result of this is that the vortex that is generated over a specific area through an individuals bio-emissions would be capable of interacting instantly with the bio-emissions of another individual who was placed within a duplicate mirror device which was generating another vortex on their end.
The two vortexes acted as a kind of hyper-dimensional telephone cable, literally like a can and string and the perceptions of one another were accessible. There were many uses for this and again, many ancient interpretations of this technology that have been hidden from the public. Nearly every version of these technologies were present in previous times.
Universal Recurrence
This is a discovery that the universe recurs in cycles similar to a wheel or even a washing machine. The washing machine metaphor is fairly accurate and playfully descriptive because without the technology to observer, or an awakened soul of a spiritual adept, people would go for eons without ever realizing that everything in the universe repeats itself endlessly.
When traveling to the far ends of time, it was discovered that one can move far enough away from the ‘present’ or the local frame of reference that ultimately everything is at a maximal informational opposite to what we have today. After this point, everything begins a slow shift back to the present. Through this, one can cycle around again and reach the present by going far enough into the future. This was an amazing and confusing discovery because of the implications about what is actually changing each time, the reality of what are called parallels, the continuity of temporal experience, and basically a ‘recycling’ effect of all experience in the universe. Nothing is lost, but this is also an issue because then nothing is actually ever gained!
Remote Viewing, Temporal Lensing
An ancient device which has been rebuilt and perfected is capable of using these technologies to create a lensing effect which draws a ‘reflection’ of time into a projection system which is effectively capable of acting as a ‘visual time tunnel’ into future probable realities. This is a device which generates a visual portal which allows one to view the future.

This device also exists as ancient counterparts which are located around the world, namely in areas that have been recently sought by the world superpowers. Nothing is as it seems. If you read a story in the public venue then you can be sure that you have read the cover story while the reality is much deeper.
Temporally Linked
The use of the viewing devices which enabled interdimensional lensing of possible futures was found to be stabilizing our pathway into those projected futures. This was enabling a time link between the present and the possible future.
In order to avoid the catastrophes of 2012, the link was broken between the two civilizations and the devices were rendered inactive for this period.
Natural Vortex Energy Locations and Geography
On Earth there are natural ‘time tunnels’ where tachyon fields and vortexes are produced by internal elements. These are mountains, lakes, deserts, fields, sacred sites and other areas that have always been reported as being ‘paranormal’ or containing some kind of specific energy that enables contact with another reality. These are simply naturally produced areas of this vortex energy that produces an interdimensional nexus point through which multiple other parallels can be interacted with. These areas produce an effect on the body and mind similar to the technologies described above.
Most of these effects, from these technologies, change the way light is received or emitted by the mind and DNA.
Mount B.
There is a specific mountain where a base is located, and I have mentioned this before, where the base is so deep within one of these vortex areas that everyone working there is either there for the entirety of their life, or they are only permitted to be there for a very short amount of time. This is because of the acceleration effect. Essentially, if one was to go into the base and work for a matter of hours or day, in some places even minutes, then when they returned to the surface they would be years in the future, sometimes decades or centuries. This is very dangerous and you can imagine the original people who found this area and what kind of situations occurred.
Now with the advanced technology that has been developed these issues can be mitigated and much more control over these effects is enabled.
Particle Accelerator Temporal Manipulation
Using particle accelerators a “fold” in space/time can be made so that when the accelerator is turned off or tuned back into a certain frequency (not sure) everyone within the field will “snap” back in time to the specific moment when the fold was first created.

I have seen this done on small scale, and a rather larger scale, but I cannot be sure if it was only me. I believe I have seen it done on a town-sized scale during the 2010 Awakening where some of the events reached a scale of nearly cosmic proportion and the entire sky and horizon was lit up with technology and entities, as well as Solar Warden, the NAZI faction, secret society groups, and breakaway civilizations or complete other civilizations, some of which were non-human.
This is done using particle accelerators to quantify space on the quantum level (as a reference point with the mind) a frequency would be “folded” into the space time continuum as we “rip” through space holding an access point open at this fundamental level of space/time. This allows for a ‘letting go’ of the frequency, or a ‘snapping back’ by allowing the entanglement to solve itself. When used with generators that propagate out efficiently enough, the effect is akin to a time/space rewinding effect. Some people have noted various theories describing this in relation to the CERN device. These technologies were described as smaller versions of the CERN device and are related to higher-dimensional travel via folding space through electromagnetic fields. This is literally artificially technologically “holding space” for a specific area in relation to a period of time. Time is a more complex notion as an abstraction but by locating the frame of reference this can be applied to distort what would otherwise seem to be a continuous flow. When the frequencies are allowed to “snap back” all sentient observer sources return to the environment they were present in when that frequency ‘rift’ first began. Essentially this creates a replay effect on the consciousness of the individuals within the field. There is no physical effect. The consciousness is ‘regressed’ through time/space, and they re-experience existence from that initial point of contact with the frequency “rift”. This is best explanation I can currently offer however more is coming to the public each day.

This is literally like a “restore point” on an operating system except the computer system is literally the consciousness and space and time of a portion of the local-environment of Earth.
Riding the “Timewave”
There are teams of individual who operate in tandem with the technology of looking into possible futures based on the present and operating through the present via other operatives who are carrying out operations and movements that will construct the various possible realities that the original team of individuals is hopping between. These teams literally “ride” the “timewave” of the future hopping between possible future realities relaying information to the present depending on what movement will be next.
Dematerialization and Rematerialization
This is technology which transcodes the information of an individual human into a holographic projection of light which can be transferred between devices. There is a special system in place that is required to successfully transmit a living human being otherwise just the body will be transferred and the soul will remain, effectively killing the individual.
“Jump Rooms
These are large areas which are capable of acting as a kind of technological ‘portal-gate’ where an entire team can be instantly transported from one area of the universe to another. The space between the two areas are ‘twisted’ like a spiral and then ‘snapped’ back to position and if done correctly with the two frequencies of both locations merging then the team of one room will transfer to the destination pad.
All these methods require training and conditioning, most people are at the very least visibly shaken from the experience which is a bit like being microwaved into a liquid ether and shot through a particle beam at the same time.
Ion Shields
These are areas of concentrated ion emissions and this can be used to create a deflective layer of heated air where light will reflect at a programmable angle. When this occurs, a person standing behind the shield will appear to be invisible to others who are looking straight at them. The light will be bent in such a controlled manner as to perfectly shift around the person in a fluid and equal flow so that the ‘bubbling’ effect that was noted early on can be mitigated to produce a complete mirage where there is relatively no sign of difference to the untrained eye. An entire group of individuals and equipment can be hidden in the background a matter of yards away and as long as the person is not intently, inspecting each square inch of ground and air they will not notice any difference between the area that is being covered up in the distance and the area directly next to them without the shield.

Similarly a ‘screen’ of imagery can be projected onto certain materials in the air and a hologram can be projected which will render a background or foreground image. This will work to a degree, and from a distance this will work to disguise an entire horizon.
Instantaneous Healing
There are instantaneous healing methods which utilize various technologies. There are substances which can initiate a complete and real-time regeneration of living tissue from almost any conceivable non-critical injury.
These are chemical serums which allow the cells to replicate at an astronomical rate while suffering damage to the DNA telomeres at repeated use.
There are many methods but mainly the living-light harmonics is one of the latest advancements and most effective at producing healing on a molecular level.
“Living Light” Sound-Harmonics and Electromagnetic Healing
There is a technique for producing a quantifiable scalar wave which interacts with the living cells of tissues and instructs them to repair at a faster rate. This has been called “holographic healing” by others and these are essentially ‘living light’ frequencies which interact with the cells on the same frequencies that they operate on when healing and interacting with each other. The scalar waves emitted generate the same patterns and this creates an ‘ether’ fluid that enables them to grow and repair the tissue faster.
Electrogravitic Craft
Advanced craft which utilized counter-rotating torsion fields propagated by very powerful quantum computers and zero-point energy devices.

There are also more modern versions that use powerful electrical flows to neutralize inertial resistance and ‘slide’ through the gravitational field of the crafts own materials.
Energy Cores and Storage Capacity
The hand-held devices that are in use do not require charging or even disposal. The storage capacity of the batteries is so efficient that they last for a lifetime of use. Some devices use an energy generator within the device itself. These “batteries” which are not batteries but little, powerful generators and can explode if they are mishandled.
These are the cores that are used to power many devices and essentially pull energy from the space-time ether.
3.5D Replicators
There are replicators that can produce any conceivable 3D material or object altogether including food or organic material. These use very high amounts of energy to ‘force’ the electrons of the atomic grid of a substrate to shift into the pattern of the element being replicated. The result is a device which can use wave-emissions to reshape materials on an atomic level and produce or recreate any object or substance.
3.5D Sensors
There are sensors that could reverse the process and detect every minute detail of the structure of a body or material. These use energy emissions to detect the structure of a material down to the minute electrical resistance on a molecular level. Similar to diffuse MRI imaging for a living body but more advanced.
3.5D Printing of Clones
It was shown how this technology was used to three dimensionally print human bodies into space/time which could then be used as vehicles for the consciousness or souls of various sources.

Neural-interlace/4D Connectome Recording and Simulation
Very advanced supercomputers exist with the capacity to translate the bio-emissions of the brain and body and reconstruct the entire inner visual and sensory experience of cognition and emotion. From this, entire dream worlds can be created which mimic the experience of consciousness. This is most similar to the current day use of diffuse MRI imaging where water molecules are traced through the individual neuronal pathways and an entire digitized image of the brain is developed. The more advanced version described below generates a 4D hologram.
A super computer and advanced sensing system essentially develops one of these connectomes of every connection in the brain. Then this system develops a neural processing pattern that matches the entire memory and personality of the brain.
This is then recorded and extrapolated by a powerful computer system and a simulation of the experience can be observed through the physical body’s memory via a monitor system or the neural interface of an operative.
Essentially, this technology can record and replicate a person’s entire memory and life experience for viewing purposes.
EEG Heterodyning
This is the technology which enables the activity of the brain to be influenced through generating a scalar grid and a carrier wave system which can cause the brainwave patterns of the targeted individual to resonate in sympathy with an externally projected frequency. Thus, emotional states can be manipulated as well as specific thought or behavioral patterns. This works similar to binaural audio where two tones of different frequencies are played through each ear and the brain resonates in sympathy with the difference between the two tones. This occurs with brainwave frequencies and thus the brain ‘slips’ into the frequency of the third tone, the difference between the two being projected. This can be done with ultrasonics and ELF emissions.
Artificial Hallucinations
The neural-interlace can also be used to merge the brain of an individual with a computerized system that will be able to produce effects and hallucinations within the individual.
Through this technology, any stimulus, any input can be recorded and recreated once a functioning connectome has been generated and neural-interlace has been achieved. Entire virtual world scan be created and experienced and after the devices fine-tune the frequencies to match the individual’s brain functions one world is indistinguishable from another.
Brain to Machine Interface Holographic Consciousness System (brainchip interface, virtual reality simulator)
Some of the training is done by entering into a visual-audio dream-world. Some “programs” will consist of repeating a certain task over and over again until it becomes muscle memory in the brain. Others are designed to probe or test the mind until a certain response is received.
This is achieved through the operation of a ‘brainchip’ or a brain to machine neural-interface in the individual which was developed during WWII.
This consists of a small computer ship which merely relays stimulus through frequencies and neural-stimulation of varying kinds. The frequencies and location of each region of the brain will determine the function and thus the chip is used to localize electromagnetic input and the brain’s functioning can be modified from there.
As well, the entire psycho-etheric form is vibratory in nature and so through the introduction of vibrations and frequencies from the implant there can be a modification of the frequency of the entire being or what is called the soul or “bio-mind”.
Utilizing The Temporal Body
The temporal body is described as the body ‘in time’ that exists a few seconds into the future instead of the temporal position that is relative to the present. This is as if the ‘future’ is streaming outward from the body as ideas and feelings are as bio-emissions. So this ‘future’ energy is spiraling and streaming outward like a fountain. Thus this frequency can be attained and influenced while the present moment seems unaffected. However, when that individual arrives at what would be seen as the future they would intersect with those influences and this would be as if the interference or effect was streamlined to that future moment.
Manipulation Through the Temporal
This can be used to both produce an effect on an individual who will later feel this effect in the future. Or this can be used to operate outside of the physical plane, in a temporal manner which is literally ‘hovering’ just outside or ‘after’ the present moment of the local Earth environment. This would be as if a person is out of sync of the frame-rate that a viewing device is capturing images of an area with. Because they are out of sync, they are then ‘invisible’ to the capacity for this viewing device to see them. Because they are still present in the same local-environment but simply just out of range temporally, effects can still be produced and this will mostly interact with the person’s temporal body.
These are how many operations are carried out as the operative who is interacting in the temporal body will appear to be a ghost image or a dark silhouette that is only perceivable to the mind’s eye. A portion of the population is entirely psychically blind, while another portion of the population contains psychic capacity. So those with the psychic capacity would be able to sense and partially “see” as a form of energetic detection when an operative is interacting with the from the temporal plane.
Through this plane one can easily enter into someone’s mind and produce effects in their dreams. These effects would not be received on the body but mentally, this leads into astral and mental plane activity. There is also temporal manipulation that can be physical effects that are simply offset to seconds, minutes, months or years in the future. These will be offset from the present aspect of the body in a modulated frame of reference and the effect will remain there in the temporal body until the physical body “matches” the temporal body frequency of that future moment. This is kind like an energetic trail we are leading ourselves up to where the temporal body already connects with each future moment but the present physical body remains separate until the two frequencies are matched. The physical body essentially ‘flows’ forward into each new frequency of the temporal body.
This is the body where temporal implants can be inserted and sustained so as to tie the frequencies down and limit the amount of awareness a person can gain before they manually remove the implants or overload them. Overloading and removing can both be painful however if the implant stays it will at like a governor and transmit access temporal ‘momentum’ or consciousness energy to the owner of the implant and will also drain the temporal and physical body acting as a technological leech as well.
Astral or Light Body
This body was described as a more emotional form of the energy that is emitted from the physical and spiritual system. When a person’s energy is at a high level of activity, this will be visible on the astral form and these are the energies that are often siphoned away through the use of advanced technology to convert the human into a generator system for energy harvesting.
There is talk that this proves that the human existence, in the modified form that is present today, is entirely for genetic harvesting. This may be a confusion, a deception, or a reality. Regardless of the interpretation, the human energy system will leech this energy out into the cosmos when consciousness and energy is mishandled or allowed to flow through the lowest common pathway. This excess energy is very easily usurped and utilized by transdimensional parasitic entities and devices.
This is the body that is utilized for astral travel which is a kind of frequency that exists in between the density of the physical plane and the highest etheric plane of the spiritual, heavenly, or deity realm. There have been explanations that this plane is entirely technologically propagated and that when the devices are turned off, which is an event that will bring about civilization-wide change, there will no longer be a deep and wide, foggy deviation between the higher spiritual and the lower physical plane but a clear path between them.
Similarly, the consciousness and entities that are present here would be no longer accessible and their connection to the physical plane would be non-existent. This could be problematic for those who are trapped within the astral such as human souls or those who have taken a cyborg route and require a return to the original planes either physical or high spiritual before they can secure their position in the universe.
This also relates to the early discovery of these ancient devices containing portals or gateways to these realms and the early experimentations with enabling contact between the physical Earth plane and the lower astral realm containing discarnate entities that would very easily sustain themselves on the lower astral bio-emissions of a loosely guided emotionally reactive human vessel.
This is where entities can attach and will look for those who have the most excess astral or emotional bio-emissions leaking into the universe. People are kept in an emotionally unstable state of being because this is the easiest to feed from and as well the individual will always be looking for more energy or the solution to why they are feeling drained rather than discovering the truth nature of the universe.
However, as with every lower route of obtaining self in the universe, the more this is done, the greater the likelihood that the individual will realize something is happening and ultimately awaken. Or they will no longer be present here and the parasite will have to find a new host because the longer this process is maintained the more difficult producing one’s own energy will be for the parasite . So parasitism is a limited, one way street.
Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies.
Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies. This is what I was informed and shown. All electrical wiring and communications can be fully utilized to produce and sense on an electromagnetic level and this is capable of determining the consciousness and biological functioning of the individual being monitored. Houses are essentially large, wired, box-shaped sensors.
This has been the case for a very long time and the first TV’s were actually built with a little chip that connected to the human brain.
The electrical grid of today is capable of interacting with the implants, brainchips, or the psycho-etheric electromagnetic frequencies of the human brain, body and bio-mind via scalar frequencies. The TV’s, lights, electrical wiring, radio towers, computer monitors, everything is capable of transforming into a scalar emitter when combined with the control mechanisms and these are accessible from a distance.
Microwaves can be emitted from a current day craft which can then reflect back from an environment and give a real-time 3 D image of the interior of a room. The same technology can be used to beam at a monitor and reflect the variance in interference which can be used to read a computer monitor without actually having to hack into the system.
All systems contain backdoors which enable easy-enough access and as well the entire communications grid is monitored and recorded through advanced technology.
This is, in part, because this entire realm is like one enormous recording device where the energy of each successive moment is connected to one another and so with sensitive enough technology these electromagnetic waves can be ‘re-winded’ so as to produce the ability to look into the ‘past’. The initial technology that was developed for this purpose has been called the “chronovisor” in the past and there are much larger and highly advanced versions today.
The Upgraded Chronovisor
Instead of a relatively small machine which produces an interference pattern that is projected unto a small screen as was developed in the past, the modern versions create an entire holographically projected environment that enable one to nearly completely interact with the projection of the past. This is more of a viewing device capacity but one is essentially projected to the electromagnetic/temporal area of space and time consciously and can witness the scene from “within” the projection.
Before this, the scene was literally viewed on a kind of flat, holographic monitor that reacted to the scalar emissions of the mind and could be ‘tapped’ into by an adept-viewer who’s mind would have to remain steady enough in order to maintain the scalar “mind-link” otherwise any interference would disconnect the projection.
Through the use of cloning and advanced super computer technology, later versions include the actual operation in and out of time.
Community Servers/Living Server Systems
From the previously described neural-interlace and supercomputer enabled virtual reality systems, server systems have been created which are an individual or collective experience of the virtual mental realm.
In this realm individuals have existed for an amount of time that would not be easily compared to the way we understand the flow of time in waking reality. This is very similar to dreams where the perception of time passes very quickly between waking moments yet inside the experience of the dream it can seem to last for days.
In these server systems the development of complete societies has taken place and these are considered an extension of the human civilization.
This is the beginning of where the situation becomes greatly complex. If these server systems are capable of transferring consciousness forward or backwards in time, depending on the situation, and they have holographic access to Earth before physical humanity, then which civilization came first, the simulated realm or the physical?
This is similar to the etheric realm and the question of where humanity originally came from if the physical matter could not be produced from nothing, yet could not always have been here. Was the physical matter produced from some kind of universal device similar to how the recorded consciousness of the individuals in these holographic world simulators could have been used to generated initial civilizations on Earth?

Cloning, Cloud Supercomputing and Consciousness Transfer
The following is a more direct explanation of the previously described processes in relation to consciousness transfer
Superluminal transfer of light information allows for the reception of information from a temporal non-locality. A computer system that can process the information faster than light at 100% superconductive efficiency can send and receive information from different Universal harmonics. These are quantum superconducting super computer systems utilizing materials and methods that achieve superconductivity a a temperature that is relatively easier to consistently maintain.
There are systems that generate a vortex which can be expanded to recreate the singularity of a non-local perspective and dissociate from the current Universal vector. This is essentially recreating the temporal frame of reference of the consciousness of a physically anchored body and using this technology suspended electromagnetic frame of reference to literally transfer the consciousness across space and time to a frame of reference of choice.
The technological capabilities of humanity expanded to include replicating the holographic information of the DNA and neural pathways using quantum supercomputers. This technology allows for one’s consciousness to stream through a computing system which can recreate the neural connections as literal as possible through quantum computing and technological “brain cells” which function as neurons.
The result is a cloud computing model which functions as the individual neurons as well as over unifying layers of interconnections within the technological neuronal ‘cloud’. A holographic representation of multiple layers of processing is formed, superimposed over one another through a geometry that is actively synchronized across multiple dimensions of interrelation. This is the first notion of a “living” computer system that can update and respond to new information in new ways.
Now the that computer system is capable of attaining faster than light processing in tandem with a system of dilating a field of electrogravitational waves into a vortex, the  holographic information of neural pathways and genetics can be transferred between one supercomputing system and another across “harmonic barriers”. Essentially, these consciousness transferring supercomputer systems break the “light-barrier” by sending the living-light consciousness data of an individual into a new plane of reference that enables interaction outside of what we would call this timeline or dimension.
The frequency that the receiving computer operates within can be measured in respect to the overall harmonic “vector field” in respect to the entire planetary environment. This vector-field frequency is the base frame of reference that one could say our particular “time” and “Earth” is “moving” through in an abstract electromagnetically defined dimension that is invisible to our senses. Each particular time and Earth is only visible to those whose brains and minds operating in resonance with the rate of acceleration frequency of that particular existence. By changing the rate of the brain and bio-mind, one can enable a technologically assisted synchronization with alternate timelines.
A pattern can be generated based on quantum fluctuations that will act as a key that can be accessed from other universes. This same backdrop is measured and then adjusted to resonate with or replicate the same frequency on a computer doing the sending. This frequency is then modulated with the holographic information of the neural pathways and DNA. The information transfers as a result of quantum entanglement across harmonic barriers to the original computer system set up for reception. As long as that frequency is held, there is a link across the harmonic barriers of the Universe.

Cloning, Supercomputer Assisted Holographic Consciousness Replication and Time Travel
Cloning as Offspring
The human body can be cloned similar to the way a plant can be cloned. A number of “replicas” can be made from the original genetic material. There is still a mother required however the process is not quite similar to natural reproduction where the genetic material of two people is combined to form a third. This process replicates the material so that the ‘offspring’ is the same as one of the donors.
What this truly infers is the question of whether the original consciousness stays in the original body or whether the consciousness actually jumps from one body to the other. There are multiple explanations and methods.
Inserted Memories, Digital Dreams
One explanation is that artificially generated memories are simply downloaded into the individual’s brain directly. Thus, they have the perception that they experienced life in another body and were present for some unique experiences that did not occur from the perspective of the original body.
In a slightly differing explanation, this inserted memory process may be used to prime the consciousness of the individual so that operating in a cloned body will be more readily accessible by the adaptability of the mind of the individual. Without a holographic dream insertion the mind will have trouble adapting to operating in more than one body even if they are not being operated simultaneously. The mind is the immaterial self; consciousness is the ego-physical identity of the brain and body. The brain does not operate in both bodies but remains, so then the mind is what is strained and this is the immaterial “bio-mind” that transfers.
If a true transfer occurs then when the physical form is cloned the cloned body acts as a secondary vessel for the original soul or a soul similar enough in frequency.
Co-Inhabitation of Bodies
Another explanation is that souls can only occupy their original body.

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