The Empress and the Eye of Beauty Energy Vlog

1 month ago

The Empress and the Eye of Beauty Energy Vlog title is from the date December 10, 2024 Thus 30 which adds to #3 the Empress card a divine female, with fecundity abundance and is depicted as the Earth Mother . The Eyes of Beauty card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, Poisitive Expectation and Clarity.

The schumann Resonance today Disclosure news showed us two Amplitudes, the first a power of 17 at 7:00 AM UTC thus the chariot moves swiftly thrugh the night guided by the Star of hope and Clarity. The second amplitude power of 12 at 4:00 PM UTC thus the Emperor comes to the Hanged man to see his sacrifice to change his perspective. The quality power of 24 which gives us #6 The Lovers card a Harmonious Relationship of balance and intuition. The frequency average is 7.69 Hertz thus 22 the Fool card showing a need to be situationally aware before taking a Leap of faith.
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