Yahveh is coming! Antichrist. Great Israel Bible Lord's people. Strip Lebanon Syria World.

2 months ago

God. Bible. World. You. Now.

Film no 139.

All my YouTube films here (mainly in Polish, some with English subtitles - let me know if you want more English subtitles):

The websites of my book „Rzeczywistość” (in Polish):
Tom I: https://ridero.eu/pl/books/rzeczywistosc_tom_i/
Tom II: https://ridero.eu/pl/books/rzeczywistosc_tom_ii/

Facebook (a lot of memes, in Polish): https://www.facebook.com/marekmeramofficial

Obviously, I am encouraging you to donations… As we all know, money is necessary. Should you wish to express your support for what I say and write, you may pay a donation into the following account:
19 1020 1097 0000 7402 0208 1461
IBAN number: PL19102010970000740202081461
BIC code (Swift): BPKOPLPW
Headquarters address: PKO Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna - Centrala, 15 Puławska Str., 02-515 Warsaw
(Transfer title (for tax purposes): DAROWIZNA or DONATION)

PayPal: marek.meram.tak@interia.pl
(Transfer title (for tax purposes): DAROWIZNA or DONATION)

Texts and their recordings as well as the initial sound piece (jingle) are copyrighted. You may of course share them, I even encourage you to do so. The same as to reasonable use (e.g. reviews) giving the source and author (me) - I encourage!

In the film the following were used among others (under the fair use principle):
* 1min41sec: „Debata chrześcijanin vs. nihilista: "Bóg Biblii - dobry czy zły?"” pt. 4/4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXPdTKMuuns
* 3min42sec: "Staline. Le tyran rouge", source: imineo Documentaires YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVUD43as79c

Other materials:
* 51sec: a photo of Jesus figure (edited), author: AmarendraUkidwe, CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en)
* 1min14sec: a photo from the Moon, authors: NASA/Gene Cernan/Jack Schmitt (public domain)

Other photographs and images quoted by me in this film are public domain.

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