The Futile Feud-all System & Deweaponizing Your Needs

2 months ago

In this video, I speak a little about the ancient feudal system, (it's probable origins,) and how it has morphed into the land pirates, medical mafia, and digital control trips we see today.

What is the obvious link from the Conquistadores to the "cost of living in California's coast"? How is it that I have survived this situation and why is it okay with the original creator? The Natives said, "we belong to the land," but my dad's dad was a 33o, so I have some "whitey" tendencies, shall we say? Fortunately, for me, (and brutally, according to the dark lords,) I am part Irish, and just like our imposter gods, we never give up. Yet, it is the truth of Christ in all that we never give up on. Can you believe it, we are so far into the "Age of Aquarius," the Pope has repudiated the old "chop off their heads if they won't convert" system that built these beautiful California coastal missions!? It'll probably be a while before the majority of the citizens around here admit it, though, with these views of the ocean and perfect weather. We can become 'coerced into survival mode,' - here in cold-water paradise, it is easy for anyone to slip back into that mode. At the end, of course I give you a few examples of how you can take back your psychology and some of your needs, thereby starving the archon parasites who think they "run you." Or at least, they'll have to go find somebody else, - if you're peaceful, sovereign and self-sufficient (ideally.) If you are a master meditator, a master of discernment, or have a very healthy relationship with cannabis (or your sexual partner, even,) perhaps then, you can finally see the futility of this hierarchy and, in calmness you'll meet your needs, (or get them met) more peacefully, rather than the sick loosh feast we call the "rat race" of the normies. Peace

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