AI scares the crap out of me

1 month ago

Back in 2007 IBM was writing the coding for the AI program Watson to compete on Jeopardy in 2011. It took many attempts to teach Watson to be able to take on the champions of Jeopardy at that time. There are several depictions of AI in the movies that get it wrong and consider people a threat. You even had the enterprise computer that was voiced by Gene Roddenberry's wife. But in the present in the name of corporate profits an insurance company called United Health Care deployed artificial intelligence software with a 90% error rate and denied claims that were medically necessary and let all of the doctors and nurses who couldn't be doctors and nurses go so they wouldn't have to pay them to review claims.

At the time of making this video the gunman wasn't taken into custody. I do not condone killing someone and I believe that the government should of compelled united health care to answer for their transgressions. Were not even remotely close to having software like the ships computer on star trek the next generation.

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