“This changed everything for me! I couldn’t believe what my party had become! #WalkAway Testimonial

3 months ago

“My tipping point was during the Kabanaugh hearings when I realized the depth of evil to which my party had sunk—their ‘by any means necessary’ mentality which drove them to attempt to destroy a man and his family without even a shred of credible evidence. That was it for me. I changed my party affiliation from Democrat THAT SAME DAY, on my lunch break from work.”

Michelle walked away, losing multiple family members for it. Her message to anyone who’s wavering right now on the Democrat Party? “The Democrats already hate you for even questioning, so you might as well #WalkAway.” It’s better over here anyway. 😏

The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. The #WalkAway Campaign is a movement of Patriots form all walks of life – men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, and non-believers – who share something very important in common. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, and we will not surrender our country.

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#WalkAway Foundation
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Brandon Straka
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