quran recitation HD

3 months ago

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_What does the word َّالمَن MANNA mean?_
There are various opinions about what this word means, Sh Tantawi concludes that the most likely is that it is a gummy like food such as sap which is produced from a tree. It resembled honey in its sweetness. The word من MANNA itself has no singular form and is known as a collective noun. Collective nouns are like the word “humans”, “trees”, “foods” etc. in English.

_What is سلوى ‘salwa’ ?_
The سلوى is a type of bird. The word itself is a plural collective noun whose singular in Arabic is سَلْوَاةٌ ‘salwah’. It is a wild bird with tasty meat that was very easy to catch.
It resembles a bird called the السُّمَانَى as-sumaana or Quail in English but was slightly bigger in size. Of interest in modern day cooking Quails can be eaten with the bones making them easy to cook and eat. This gives us an idea how easy the سلوى would have been to catch, cook and eat.

*كُلُوا۟ مِن طَيِّبَـٰتِ مَا رَزَقْنَـٰكُمْ ۖ*


_What does this teach us about being a guest?_
The author of Fath al-Qadeer points out that this verse ordered the Children of Israel to eat what was given to them, and understood in this order was that they should not try to store the food for tomorrow. From this we learn that when a guest is given food he or she is only given permission to eat the food; they can’t treat as their own and store it or take it away with them.

*وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا*

_Why does the Quran say this?_
The Quran is making it clear to the Children of Israel that their sin, no matter how great, will never harm Allah. In the same way no matter how pious anyone is, they will never benefit Allah. The sinner only harms him or herself, while the person

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