Reviewing Hitlerians Debate and Crypto-Jews.

30 days ago

Johnny reviews what it was like to debate three Jew-baiting Hitlerians.
Is Fake Nukes Phil a Freemason?
How many died at Pearl Harbor?
When Jew-baiters out Jew-baiters for not baiting enough and what’s the one thing the have in common?
“Adolf Hitler: good or bad?”
Spamming Jews!
Murder by not being funny: Neil Simon knew the formula for success.
The Kennedy Papa Joe expected would be President (not John).
Do the Kushners run it all?
Where does real healing come from? (Solomon knew.)
Mandatory vaccination: the only solution is revolution.
“Judge Judy”
How militaries waste MILLIONS.
When the very, very rare leader tries to help the people.
What does Mafioso Joe’s pardon of his little boy prove?

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