When Trust Burns, Truth Emerges - Epi-3595

3 months ago

All links, resources, source material and the audio of this podcast can be found at https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/burned-trust one hour after the live version of this video is over.

Over the past decade, trust in institutions like the media, Big Pharma, and the government has gone up in flames—and that’s a good thing. In this episode, we dive into why losing faith in corrupt systems is freeing us to seek truth and build something better.

Sponsors of the Day

Antons Land of Biltong - https://landofbiltong.com/
Freedom Trinity Webinar - https://livefree.academy/op/freedom-trinity/?ref=95

Hamilton Beach Egg Cooker - https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/iotd-12-2-24

Vevor's Awesome Stainless Steel Table - https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/iotd-12-3-24

Gagiter Propane Torch Weed Burner - https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/iotd-11-4-24

VEVOR Galvanized Raised Garden Beds – https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/vevor-galvanized-beds

Yummy Links as Promised in the Video!

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⚡️jackspirko@getalby.com for V4V (don’t send email there it won’t work)

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