Trains at Railway Mainstation

24 days ago

up to now 3 trains are running on Big City Life. The Santa Fe, Australian Sydney train and a mono rail tram. It takes about 20 min for one circuit for the Fanta Fe and Sydney train. The Tram has two vehicles starting at Airport and AI Research Center each and is faster. So you can reach one of them after 8 min about. The subway is not made so far and would only drive from congress Center to Airport. Perhaps Expo Center. It is still in Pipeline to build the subway line but is not that important at the moment. It is more important to get all trains stable running 24/7 and proper aligned. Up to now only the Santa Fe is almost stable running. Alignment is now everywhere neat. The Sydney train will be longer like the Santa Fe and also proper aligned. The Tram is anyway running on route script and is stable like all cars etc. But for long trains it is a challenge to get it running stable and proper aligned. This video I made with 512 draw. So if you come with 1024 draw you will see more especially for the Skyscrapers and Helicopter and planes flying when waiting a the City main station.

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