60 days can’t come soon enough: can the world survive 2 more months of Biden?

1 month ago

A lot has been happening around the world, while the united states is in the transition period of 60 days after the election.

USA election video on why Donald Trump won: https://rumble.com/v5uxx45-trump-becoming-president-changes-everything-why-changes-in-usa-and-the-worl.html

from the war between ukraine and russia escalating every single day. to actions at small scale to big scale at other parts of the world and also cabinet selection hurdles

what are they planning to do in these 60 days?
Can the world survive two more months?

Let’s talk about it.

In this Video we’re going to discuss.

00:00 Intro
01:27 1000+ days of Ukraine and Russia war
02:39 Europian leaders ignorance
03:17 What is Oreshnik IRBM?
20:19 Possibilities of future escalations and reactions?

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