"My AIPAC Guy" - aka Israeli Mossad Handlers

3 months ago

For those not sure what is going on...


The United States of America was made a Corporation by the "District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871" upon being given a bank loan from the Rothschild Bank and having a second Constitution slipped in that brought the USA back under British Rule. There's a reason Trump walked in front of Queen Lizard to inspect the Grenadier Guards in July 2018.

Washington DC is NOT in the USA, but is a foreign owned state, which is why they are guarded by the Capitol Police. The same for The Vatican City, not in Italy and guarded by the Swiss Guard. The same for the City of London (NOT London City), and are guarded by the City of London Police. Together they form the Empire of Cities, hence the three stars on the flag of Washington DC.

AIPAC and the ADL are terrorist organisations who work with the deep state.

The deep-state are a bunch of satanic depraved pedophiles and pedovors who are involved in all of the evil in the world.

Jews and not Jewish and vice versa. Jews are Semites and bloodlines to Judaea. Jew'ish are the false Jews, the Synagogue of Satan (Sin-a-Gog of Satan), and they are satanic parasites who leech of the slave labour by usury and using the fraudulent, hidden Cestui Que Vie Trusts that are attached to our Birth Certificates; we are all Bonded Slaves. The Vatican hold all original Birth Certificates. The Jewish come from the Khazarians or the Khazars.

The Khazars fled what is now Mongolia and settled in Khazaria, a land mass now predominantly Ukraine and a piece of Russia and Georgia. The Khazars continued their vile acts of depravity; their Talmudic teachings coming from the Pharisees. 80% fled to Europe as Ashkenazi " false Jews" and that's where the Nazis come from. The remaining 20% went to North Africa as Sephardic "false Jews".

The Bolsheviks were zionist Khazars, they were the Communists, the Red Army.

ISIS and Al Qaeda are controlled opposition, much like the Nazis. Radical Islam was promoted by the CIA who funded the Madrassas and ISIS and Al Qaeda are often Khazars, many having an Israeli identity.

We are at war against Zionist Nazis, and the Jesuits and their foot soldiers...the Freemasons....and all of the deep-state NGOs.

Now you know/

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