What They’ve HIDDEN from Us! Unveiling the Realms & Wisdom of the Ancients

2 months ago

Darius J Wright is a prolific OBE (Out-of-Body Experience) explorer, respected teacher, and philosopher dedicated to unravelling the truth of the unseen realms and the other side through the out-of-body state. His profound insights into the nature of reality, coupled with transformative experiences, have positioned him as a leading figure in the exploration of consciousness. Darius explores the nature of our reality and continues to map out the intricacies of both our existence and the other side through the out-of-body state. He is on a mission to show people that THE OTHER SIDE CAN BE ACCESSED AT WILL, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

His experience demonstrates, along with testimonials from those studying his method, that an OBE is a controlled NDE (Near-Death Experience), where individuals can consciously navigate the realms beyond the physical. Central to his mission is the “Great Work,” aimed at waking people up to the other side. Darius believes that as individuals awaken to the eternal aspects of who they are, they simultaneously awaken to everything.

In this podcast episode, Guy talked with Darius J. Wright, who shared insights on these topics including the creation and structure of the universe, realms, and the heavens. The discussion centre's on profound spiritual themes such as the awakening of the soul, the nature of reality, and out-of-body experiences (OBE). They discussed the historical and biblical recognition of these constructs. Darius talked about his personal journey, his ability to control OBEs, and the process involved. They delved into concepts like the body's limitations, the role of memories, and accessing deeper layers of existence. Darius also explained the importance of seeing the truth for oneself and how these experiences can dissolve fear and expand one's consciousness. The conversation highlights the significance of practical experiences and encourages viewers to explore these deeper spiritual elements themselves.

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